Stupid Laws

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Another magic reveal. A lot of plot twists.


Merlin's POV

I can't breathe. My body is frozen to the spot, staring at the figure in my doorway. Books, buckets and clothes are scattered around my chambers, previously animated and completing my chores. My mouth opens and closes but no sound comes out. Disgust is etched onto my friends face making my stomach churn.

"Guards!" Arthur roars, his voice cracking ever so slightly. Never once did he break eye contact. Not even when I was forcefully dragged from my chambers.

This shouldn't be happening. This can't be happening. I was so careful. Arthur had given me the day off. What was he doing in my chambers? If he hadn't of come barging in nothing would have changed.

I am so stupid.

The cold damp cell is small and restrictive, the chains that bind me to the wall even more so.

The chains are that of Cenrids designs, restricting the use of magic when they are attached. I can feel the weak thrum of magic in my chest, wishing to be set free. Try as I might I cannot fight the power of the restraints.

I huddle myself into the corner, tucking my knees into my chest protectively. Only then do I let the emotion out.

A scream of terror and frustration pierces the silent dungeons. Not that anyone would hear me. I have been placed in the deepest part of the prison, almost as deep as the Great Dragons cage.

Is that how they see me now? A ferocious creature of magic that needs to be captured, tortured then killed. Has the royal prat really forgotten all I have done for him, both out of duty and loyalty (and a bit of love but Arthur need never know that.)

My scream seemed to have shaken the very foundations of the castle as dust bloomed from cracks in the walls. At least some of my magic remains. Dust shimmered in the faint glow of a torch, my only remaining light source.

I sob into my knees, willing this all to be a nightmare. I will wake up in my bed, or on a hunting trip safe and cared for.

Wake up Merlin, wake up.

Footsteps draw closer, slow and menacing. I push myself into the wall trying to hide myself from view. Of course it doesn't work.

Arthur comes up to the bars, tear stains evident on his face. Once again I am rendered speechless, unable to explain to my best friend the reason for my betrayal. That's what this is after all...isn't it?

"Why Merlin. After all this time why you. Why did it have to be you." Arthur yelled, slamming his hand against the metal bars to emphasize his anger. I flinch at his venomous tone, but the underlying sadness forces me to speak.

"I'm sorry Arthur, I wish I wasn't like this truly I do. I am a monster, a freak of nature. All I ever wanted to do was protect you but I have failed, failed Camelot. Failed my destiny. Failed you. Kill me now and be done with it, I deserve to die."

I shuffle closer to the bars, head dropped and hands behind my back. Completely vulnerable.

"Merlin look at me." Arthur says, his tone softer than before but still holding anger that may never dissolve. "Yes I feel betrayed, and extremely angry. But you haven't failed me. I am torn of what to do. You think I didn't notice the branches that would mysteriously fall on attacking parties, or the way bandits would fly back without being touched. I realize that was you, and I am forever grateful for your protection. But by law you are a traitor. I can't defy that."

More tears stream down my face. I grip the bars tightly, Arthur's hands slide down to cover my own. He kneels down so we are eye level, his crystal eyes full of sorrow.

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