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Modern AU, but merlin still has magic.
They are both around 17 years old in this.


Merlin: Arthur?

Arthur: Merlin it's 2 am!

Merlin: Sorry. I just...the storm is keeping me awake.

Arthur: aww are you scared.

Merlin: No!

Arthur: you're scared!

Merlin: No I'm not!

Arthur: wow did you hear that thunder, that was loud.

Arthur: Merlin?

Arthur: merlin you okay?

Arthur: ok fine. I will see you in the morning.

Merlin: no don't leave.

Arthur: ...

Merlin: I mean, I would rather be talking to you than stare into the nothingness.

Arthur: ok, well what do you want to talk about.

Merlin: ummmm

Merlin: Oh! I heard yesterday that Mr Gaius is creating an astronomy club.

Arthur: cool

Merlin: you don't know what that is do you

Arthur: yes I do!

Merlin: tell me then

Arthur: I don't want to

Merlin: 😂

Merlin: prat

Arthur: idiot

Merlin: rude

Arthur: are you looking forward to the Halloween disco. They have made it a medieval theme this year!

Merlin: I know. The kids want me to go as the wizard. Ya know Merlin the Great.

Arthur: you should. Plus you are great at magic tricks so that's an added bonus

Merlin: yeah....tricks

Arthur: ...what do you mean?

Arthur: woah! I lightning bolt just struck a tree! Awesome

Merlin: I need to tell you something

Arthur: what is it?

Merlin: please don't freak out or anything

Arthur: if you say that I am gonna freak out

Merlin: Well please just don't.

Arthur: no promises

Merlin: ARTHUR!

Arthur: MERLIN!

Arthur: ok I promise

Merlin: I have magic

Arthur: come again

Merlin: I have magic

Arthur: yeah ok I am going to bed this is clearly a hallucination. Night Merls



Merlin: you don't need to text me I am right here.

Arthur turns his phone of and faces the warlock. He proceeds to shake his head and turn the phone back on whilst shaking his head.

Arthur: nope nuh uh you're not actually here. I am just sleep deprived. You can't be doing this shit to me at two in the morning

Merlin: put your god damn phone down and listen to me before I strike you with my god damn lightening you prat

Arthur: ...

Arthur: THE STORM IS YOU??????????????????

Merlin: ...yes...that's why I hate storms...coz I kinda create then when I am in a shitty mood...and can't fix them...


Merlin: stop freaking out. God you look like you are on the verge of a panic attack. I know this isn't normal, I'm a freak of nature. I don't belong here. Sorry I should go you are clearly upset.

Arthur once again turns his phone of but this time approaches a shaking Merlin. He lifts a hand to touch Merlin's cheek, wiping off a stray tear in the process. This action causes a lull in the storm, time seems to stand still.

"You're not a freak of nature. You are Merlin. No wonder your mother named you that! You are amazing and special and talented and beautiful and..."

"Stop saying and!" Merlin laughed, leaning into the touch.

"Sorry." Arthur chuckled. A soft silence dawned upon the two as they gazed into eachother's eyes. Butterflies danced in the stomachs of the boys, a feeling they never feel with any of the girls they have dated.

"I mean it though. You really are beautiful." Arthur whispered, moving his free hand to Merlin's wrist. In one swift movement he intertwined their hands, never breaking eye contact.

Merlin's cheeks are dusted in a light pink blush, making him look utterly irresistible.

The storm has ceased completely now. The moonlight is streaming through the parted clouds casting a soft haze over the country side.

"The storm has stopped." Arthur whispered, leaning closer the the dark haired boy.

"It's about to start again." Merlin replied before locking lips with the blonde.


I am thinking of doing more modern AUs. I was trying out the text style and I kinda like it! I may do some chat room AUs in the future!

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