Another Reveal

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One word: FLUFF


Merlin paced the floors of Arthur's chambers. His mind was racing with worry and fear, too much for the warlock to handle. The magic thrummed against his skin, bursting out despite Merlin's efforts. The room shook slightly, causing paper to fly of Arthur's desk.

Merlin sighed and quickly went to pick them up. In that moment Arthur burst through the door, tired and sweaty from training. He stared a little to long at his servant before clearing his throat. Merlin jumped and spun round, hitting his head on the bead post as he did so.

"Ow." Merlin groaned, placing the papers back on the desk and rubbing his red temple.

"Merlin you clumsy idiot, you're bleeding." Arthur cried, grabbing a cloth and dabbing it against the boy's head. "Let's get you to Gaius."

"No no, I'm fine. I need to talk to you." Merlin said quickly brushing Arthur's hands away from his temple. Arthur raised a quizzical eyebrow.

"Surely it can wait Merlin." Merlin shook his head adamantly, admittingly making the room spin a little but he grounded himself and stood up.

Merlin opened his mouth but no sound came out. His throat was dry and cracked from the fear. The warlock's hands were shaking, mostly from the effort it took to subdue his magic.

"Merlin you're scaring me. What's wrong." Arthur said, subconsciously grabbing the servants hand and squeezing it comfortingly.

"Just, please don't hate me when I tell you." Arthur nodded, but his chest tightened in anticipation. "I...I have magic." Merlin near enough collapsed as soon as those words left his mouth. Arthur caught the crying boy before he could hit the floor and held his close.

"I know." Merlin pulled back and a nervous laugh escaped his lips.

"What?" He muttered breathlessly still crying heavily.

"Braches mysteriously falling on our enemies. Wounds healing overnight. Things floating as if they are alive. Did you think I wouldn't notice." Arthur said with a fond smile that made Merlin blush.

"You knew and did nothing. Why?"

"Merlin I know you. After seeing why you use magic, and the fact you have been here over five years and made no attempt to overthrow the kingdom. I knew that you were, and are still, no threat." Merlin exhaled in relief, resting his head on Arthur's shoulder.

Only then did it dawn on the men how close they were to each other and near enough launched themselves apart. Arthur chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

"Can I...can I see you do magic? I have never seen it up close before." Merlin took a moment to think, glancing nervously at the door. Arthur caught on, rose to his feet and locked both doors shut. He then proceeded to draw the curtains, then help the warlock up.

"O-okay." Merlin stuttered. He cupped his hands together and muttered a spell making his eyes turn the most beautiful golden colour that Arthur had ever seen. When he opened his hands a small red and yellow flower bloomed in his palms. The yellow laced delicately through the red in the most intricate pattern. It took Arthur a second to realise what the pattern was.

"Merlin its beautiful." Arthur whispered, taking the flower with his crest and tucking it behind his ears. Merlin giggled at the sight of Arthur, looking so adorable with his beaming smile.

"I'm glad you like it. Thank you Arthur."

"For what?"

"For not handing me over."

"Well you make up for it by saving my life every other day. Don't deny it because its true." Arthur laughed when Merlin tried to protest and did something he never thought he would have the courage to do. He kissed him.

A sweet, passionate kiss that drew the slightest moan from Merlin's throat. Merlin kissed back almost immediately, seemingly melting into Arthur as it deepened.

When they parted Merlin blushed a deep crimson and turned his head slightly so it rested on the blonde's shoulder.

"You have no idea how long I have wanted to do that." Merlin stated, wrapping his arms around the other's waist.

Arthur chuckled then glanced around the room, laughing louder at the state of it. "Merlin your making everything float." He said through his laughs. Merlin's head shot up and he gave a nervous smile.

"Oops sorry!" He laughed. With a flash of his eyes everything returned to their place and he faced Arthur once more. They stared deeply into each others eyes, getting lost in the feeling of warmth.

Merlin leaned closer once again, claiming Arthur's lips as his own. Arthur let it happen, allowing Merlin to take the lead as they made their way over to the bed. Arthur hummed in pleasure as Merlin snaked his hands around his waist and pulled him down onto the soft sheets.

They went no further than a kiss, occasionally parting to cuddle into the other's chest. That was the happiest either of the men had ever been. Together they would never feel outcast again.

Fluff fluff fluffy fluff

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