Everybody wants to rule the world

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I was listening to the song above by Lorde and an idea came to mind. Also heavily inspired by Centuries by Fall Out Boy, but I could only add one song. I highly recommend you listen to either song whilst reading this as it really adds to the atmosphere This is a dark Merlin fic. By dark i mean dark dark.



Rain lashed against the stone flags of the courtyard. Tattered scraps of capes whipped ferociously in the wind, some still attached to their owners. Bodies decorated the courtyard like petals, limp, fragile and beyond saving. In the midst of it all stood a man wielding the most powerful weapon in the five kingdoms, Excalibur. Stolen from the grasp of the King and used for the upmost evil. The man wore dark tattered clothes, bearing no crest or insignia. His hood was drawn, shadowing his face from the living. Only the dead knew of his identity for he looked each and every one in the eyes before running them through. He didn't even use his magic. He wanted them to suffer as much as he had, to feel every movement of the sword as it tore through flesh like a knife in butter.

The man stood patiently, waiting for the battle to come to him. He would not beg or reason, they were long past treaties. Camelot's ignorance will be wiped in one cruel sweep, leaving only those who possess the ancient talents of the old religion to live a free life. Free from cruelty and discrimination. The time for peaceful talk is over. Camelot shall feel the wrath of Emrys.

The courtyard door burst open and soldiers flanked Emrys on all sides, swords raised in preparation. Emrys smirked under his hood. This is child's play compared to his skill. From within the mass of red and silver, a tall blonde man pushed his way through and stood opposite the warlock.

Due to the unforgiving rain, his blonde locks were matted to his forehead allowing water to stream down his face. His deep blue eyes pierced through the shadow man, a snarl adorning his otherwise emotionless face.

"Your lust for power will be your downfall, sorcerer. Stand down or I will not hesitate to run you through where you stand." The King yells, his grip so tight on his sword that his knuckles are white. Emrys laughs darkly and throws back his hood, revealing his golden eyes and wild ebony hair.

"You're wrong, Arthur. My lust for power will be your downfall." Emrys' voice is low and menacing, but that isn't what distracts the King. He is too caught up in the insanity in his servant's eyes, swirling and churning with the magic. 

"Merlin." Arthur's entire stoic facade melts away leaving a broken man in its place. His grip loosens and his sword clatters to the floor. Emrys tuts mockingly, taking patronising steps towards the heart broken king. He goes as far to taunt the knights around him, knowing they wouldn't dare hurt the him in front of Arthur. 

A fury alights inside the once and future king that burns with a passion matched by none other. He takes up the sword and runs towards the traitor he once considered a friend. The blade cut through the air only to be caught by his bear hand. The look on Merlin's face was one of pure mania, unadulterated glee at the chaos he was causing.

Arthur panicked as the blade slid from the warlocks pale hand leaving no trace of a mark. No blood. Nothing.

"Did you really think it would be that easy?" Merlin taunted with a devilish smirk that made Arthur's stomach churn with rage. Merlin gripped the bottom of the metal collar of Arthur's armour and threw hit to the ground, putting a knee to his chest. The knights advanced, but were blown back with a swipe of the warlocks hand.

Sickening cracks reverberated above the deafening downpour. Men littered the courtyard, spines shattered like glass by the sheer force. Arthur choked as his lungs were slowly crushed by Merlin's knee. Before his breath escaped him, he muttered one simple word.


Merlin giggled, eyes burning with a terrifying happiness. He leaned down so he mouth lined up with Arthur's ear and whispered in the most chilling voice, "Simple. I want to watch the world burn."

Arthur's eyes widened in terror eventually rolling back into his head. A shuddery breath escaped his slightly parted lips. Merlin removed his knee, faced void of any expression as he watched the life leave the King. A break in the storm allowed small streaks of sunlight to illuminate the bloodied courtyard, now silent. Merlin threw his hood up and walked past the bodies heading straight for the throne room.

The servants knew better than to cross his path, those who did suffered greatly for it. Upon entering he saw his faithful followers crowded into the cramped room, eagerly awaiting his arrival. Emrys prowled through the crowd and stopped in front of the throne. A serving girl tripped up the steps holding a black velvet pillow, adorning a silver crown with blue jewels embedded into the metal. She bowed and handed the crown to Merlin.

He threw back his hood and placed the silver band on his ebony locks, already dry from the aid of his magic. He faced the crowd with a sadistic glint in his eye.

"Bow before your king."

Okay so this is quite possible my favourite thing I have ever written. I went dark and I have no regrets to be honest.

Stay tuned for the next update. Byeeee

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