Heart of a dragon #2

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Ask and you shall receive


Arthur was awoken my the sound of galloping hooves. In a panic, the Prince shook Merlin awake, who had wrapped his arms round the blonde in his sleep.

"Merlin wake up, someone's coming." Arthur urged and Merlin shot up. Merlin's eyes glimmered gold, flickering back and forth until the locked onto a path west to them.

"Five knights all bearing Camelot's crest. Arthur I need to go, they can't see me." Merlin wasted no time in flying up into the trees. However, when they broke the tree line a crippling wave of pain washed over both teens, sending the warlock crashing down to earth.

"What the hell was that?" Arthur hissed, scrambling to get to Merlin.

"I don't know, but the only way I am leaving is if you come with me. I don't want to drag you away, but you know what they do to my kind. Arthur please." Arthur looked down the path then back at Merlin's pleading eyes. There was no way he could condemn Merlin to such a fate. 

"Okay. Let's go." Arthur whispered, wrapping his arms around Merlin and nodding slightly. Merlin wasted no time flying up and out of the tree line. Arthur clutched on for dear life, nuzzling his head into Merlin's shoulder in fear for looking down. Merlin snaked his arms round Arthur's waist, holding him firmly against his chest.

After an hour of flying Merlin was desperate for rest. Neither ad any idea were they were, or even if they were still within Camelot's borders. But they landed all the same, Merlin collapsing into a pile of autumn leaves.

"You're really heavy." Merlin panted. Arthur put a hand to his chest in mock offence and pouted.

"Are you calling me fat?"

"Well no, but actually yes." Merlin smirked, wrapping his wings across his torso. Arthur flopped down next to the boy, sending leaves flying everywhere. The warlock groaned as dust flew into his eyes, making Arthur giggle.

"Not funny prat."



"What's a dollophead?" Arthur laughed, propping himself up on his elbows.

"In two words?"


"Prince Arthur." Merlin received a smack to the head, followed by a symphony of giggles that filled the forest like music. Once they had calmed down the two began scavenging for food. Arthur had learned that Merlin does not eat meat unless the animal died of natural causes. He finds hunting to be cruel, even if it is for his own survival. That's to be expected of someone who has such a deep connection with nature.

After their rather small meal the two sat and talked for hours, engrossed in every aspect of the others life. Arthur had more to tell, often spiteful words of his father that made his blood boil.

The two eventually fell asleep in eachother's arms with Merlin's wings cradling Arthur protectively.

This went on for several weeks. Arthur had come to the conclusion that he could not return to Camelot until he was older. He just wasn't ready for what will come.

This decision led them to seem out the druids, who they knew would take them in. A young boy around eleven summers welcomed them with open arms. Mordred was him name.

"Hi! I'm Mordred. I heard Aglain talk of your arrival and couldn't wait to meet you. I will show you to your tents."

Merlin and Arthur exchanged worried glances and turned back to the boy.

Merlin One-Shots!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang