Heart of a dragon

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Merlin with wings is my weakness. And yes this title is inspired by httyd, don't judge me!


Being a teenager is hard. Even harder when you have six foot wings that barely tuck into your clothes. Harder still when your very existence is deemed illegal by the person supposed to protect you.

For Merlin his life was hell. His mother disowned him the first sign of the wings so he was living in the woods since he was six summers old. He has become quite apt at living in nature, mainly relying on berries or vegetation. Killing felt wrong, so he rarely ate a proper meal. Due to this he was incredibly skinny to the point you can see every grove of his rib cage.

He had no problem with warmth, being a warlock allows him to create harmless flames that soak your body in the purest warmth.

Merlin never complained, how could he? He gets to grow within the comfort of the forests where he can fly and practice his magic till his hearts contempt. There is no judgement here.

Or so he thought.


"Arthur come back here!" Uther's voice reverberated through the courtyard as a sixteen year old Arthur galloped through the gates. He was sick of being babied by the knights and noblemen. He needed a break.

Arthur chuckled at the fury on his fathers face. He will be in for it later but he didn't care. His horse ran through the streets of the lower town, causing quite a fuss among the villagers. Once he reached the walls of Camelot he had a tail of guards following him.

"Catch me if you can!" The ever cocky Prince called to the knights as he disappeared into the woods. 

"Uther is going to kill us." A young Leon groaned as he watched his friend ride of into the distance. He made no effort to catch up with him, knowing it would be in vain. Arthur would come back when he is ready...hopefully!

Arthur rode for hours on end, enjoying the feeling of wind whipping through his hair. He had no intention of going back anytime soon. The punishment will be worth the short burst of freedom. He clicked his tongue and pulled gently on the reigns, easing the horse to a stop.

He dismounted and tied his horse to a tree and sat down at the bank of a small stream. 

"I hate responsibilities." Arthur sighs, nuzzling into the long grass like a cat.

His relaxation did not last very long as the breaking of a twig echoed throughout the clearing. Arthur arose with a start reaching for his dagger strapped to his leg. 

"Who's there?" Arthur called, clutching the dagger for dear life. Bushes rustled to his left and a small, incredibly thin boy crawled out of the undergrowth. Arthur stared in confusion as the boy remained on all fours in an animalistic way.

"Who are you?" Noticing the fear in the boy's eyes, Arthur lowered his dagger and stuck it in the dirt. He help his hands up to show he was not a threat and approached slowly. The boy's skittish behaviour put the Prince on edge, but that didn't stop his curious nature taking a hold.

Something about the boy intrigued him. Maybe it was the fact he radiated innocence and purity. Maybe it was something else entirely.

"I'm Merlin." The boy whispered, voice hoarse from disuse.

"I'm Arthur. Why are you out here alone?"

"Why are you?" Arthur quirked his eyebrow at the boys sarcasm and bit back a laugh. He wasn't expecting him to have this much fire.

Merlin One-Shots!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat