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A circus from Queen Annis' lands enter Camelot, claiming they are here for Samhain Eve. But of course they have a darker motive drawing them to Camelot. For they aren't your average circus. They are a circus of magic.

(Merlin's magic is not a secret. This is set after the battle of Camlann)

Ready for some angst!!!


The Samhain festival was well underway when the famed Circus of Caerleon marched through the streets of Camelot. Townsfolk flocked to the streets to bear witness to the parade. Jugglers throwing flaming sticks wobbled precariously on metal poles strung across the backs of carriages. Acrobats flipped down the sides of the carts, spinning through the air with ease, landing gracefully after spending seemingly eternity in the air. But these acts weren’t what attracted spectators. No, it's what lurked within the cages draped with coloured cloth that grabbed attention.

Everyone scrambled to get a peek into the cage, a spoiler for the event ahead. But none succeeded. It was this secrecy that made the crowd tingle with anticipation. Needless to say the circus was about to become a whole lot richer.

Merlin watched the parade from Arthur’s window, wringing his hands together nervously. Arthur on the other hand was quite enjoying the display and was (as usual) completely oblivious to the turmoil in Merlin’s eyes.

“We will have to thank Queen Annis for suggesting these performers. Seems like the people are enjoying themselves.” A ghost of a smile tugged at Merlin’s lips. Of course Arthur would be thinking of his people, he never stops.

“Yeah, you will.” Arthur quirked his eyebrow at the lack of enthusiasm but doesn’t comment. Instead he pulls on his royal cape and places his less impressive crown on his head.

Merlin follows him dutifully through the castle and down to the main doors that lead to the courtyard. Merlin’s magic tugged at the back of his mind, alerting him to the presence of evil. But try as he might he couldn’t pinpoint the source. It was as if something, or someone, was blocking him. And that terrified him.

They stood patiently whilst the circus came to a halt one behind the other. A large man decorated in an assortment of chains, wearing a black leather tunic climbed out of the lead carriage, two servants scuttling after him.

“Camelot welcomes you Warin, we are all eager to see your performance tomorrow.”

Merlin’s heart was in his throat as he catches Warin’s eye. He was decorated in scars that snaked up his neck, some faded and some alarmingly fresh. The most fear inducing struck through his eye, leaving the cornea clouded. Pink tendrils of flesh spiked around the socket barley holding the skin together.

“We are overjoyed to be here my lord. We have always wanted to perform for a Pendragon.” His malicious tone was only picked up by the manservant, sending shivers down his spine. His magic was craving to lash out on this man but he held back.

“I will have my manservant show you to your quarters, we have prepared a wing for you and your performers.”

“That would be greatly appreciated.” Warin smiled at Arthur before narrowing his gaze on the boy. Merlin felt sick under the scrutinizing glare. Arthur must have been talking to him as he was shaken quite fiercely then pushed in the direction of the castle. Merlin wasted no time scurrying off to the guest wing, not looking back at the circus in tow, despite his magic screaming at him to do so.

If only he had listened.


Arthur sighed as he dressed himself for bed. Merlin had been run ragged all afternoon, no doubt preparing the many rooms for the extensive cast of the travelling circus. He hadn’t seen his servant since they arrived and he was envious that they were receiving all his attention.

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