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Oh shocker it's another reveal...could never have guessed


Merlin strode into his chambers and slammed the door behind him. Rage mixed with the constant thrum of his magic, simmering under his skin enticingly. The temptation was too strong and with a flick of his hand all his furniture was up against the wall, broken beyond repair.

Merlin slumped against the door and rested his head on his knees with a defeated sigh. Another day saving the arrogant kings life and what does he get in return? An hour long lecture ending with Arthur threatening him with unemployment. Usually the servant would have made a snarky comment to lighten the mood. Not this time.

He had stormed out the king's chambers in the most dramatic way possible. Slamming every door he passed through and scaring the life out of several servants who had never seen this side of the bubbly serving boy.

A gentle knock followed by several laboured breaths drew Merlin from his thoughts.

"Go away." He mumbled. Another knock made his anger explode once more, this time verbally.

"I said go away." His voice echoed around the small stone room for several seconds, holding an authority Merlin never knew he possessed.

The sound of receeding footsteps and a door slamming followed his outburst, much to Merlin's satisfaction. He didn't want to be in the company of anyone at the moment, not trusting his magic to calm down any time soon.

Merlin stayed curled up at the door for several hours until another knock made him jump out of his skin.

"Merlin, Arthur is asking for you. He seems quite distressed, has something happened?"

Thank god Gaius couldn't see Merlin's face or he would have been chilled to the bone. Merlin's eyes glinted with anger for he could not understand why Arthur would be upset. He threatened Merlin, made him feel like complete and utter crap then proceeds to get upset because the boy doesn't turn up for work? What kind of logic is that?

"Tell him I'm busy." Merlin snapped.

"Merlin what's wrong? Open the door."

"No Gaius. Leave me be." Gaius's face flashed with hurt until his gaze hardened on the door knob. He muttered a quick spell that pushed the door open, sending Merlin skidding across the floor.

"Get you arse out of that room and talk to him. No matter what he has said you know he cares for you, don't push him away Merlin." Gaius ordered pointing to the main door. His expression was unmoving, but there was a trace of a smirk on his lips. Gaius knew Merlin wouldn't dare refuse him, he didn't have it in him.

"Fine okay I'm going. Happy?" Merlin said with a sigh, rolling his eyes for good measure. He stood up, dusting himself of and sauntered past the physician. He faltered at the door and looked back at his mentor with fear in his eyes. Gaius shot him a comforting smile and waved him of.

The track to the throne room was tense. Looks of confusion came over everyone who passed the silent servant. It was so out of character and it set everyone on edge. When he finally reached the door his hand hovered over the handle, unsure of what to do. He could run now, Arthur would never know.

"Merlin I know your out there." Okay maybe not.

Merlin took a deep breath and walked through the grand double doors of the throne room. Arthur was leant against the throne staring intently at the door as it swung open. Merlin shuffled to the end of the table, eyes trained to the floor.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have shouted at you earlier, it was uncalled for. I am just stressed. Which is no excuse for treating you like crap I know, I can't justify my actions like that. Just know I never meant to hurt you, Merlin. I am truly sorry."

That took Merlin by surprise and suddenly there were tears in his eyes. It took all his strength not to reply, he didn't want Arthur to think him any more pathetic than he already did.

"Merlin please say something." Arthur also sounded on the verge of tears. And much closer Merlin noted. He looked up through his eyelashes to find Arthur standing directly in front of him, blue eyes glistening with tears.

"That's all I've ever wanted Arthur. An apology. I'm sorry for storming out."

A tear slipped down his cheek and was instantly swiped away by Arthur's thumb. Merlin shivered at the touch, suddenly scared of the pulsing sensation against his skin. He felt his magic congregate in his eyes, swirling into his irises making them glow a fiery gold.

Arthur pulled back instantly out of shock, making Merlin cry harder. Tears of frustration because how could he be so stupid. He let his emotions control him leading to the one thing he swore he would avoid.

"Merlin you have magic." Arthur stated, voice void of any emotion. Merlin nodded. His knees buckled and he came crashing to the floor.

As soon as he came into contact with the cold stone flags his magic exploded sending a burst of energy spiralling across the room. It hit Arthur full force but he did not move. He stayed planted like a tree, staring down at the boy. A part of him was in awe of the power his friend possessed.

Merlin seemed utterly terrified by the display huddling into himself in an attempt to lull the magic.

"I'm sorry- I can't stop it. It won't let me." Merlin's pleas broke Arthur's heart and he was by the boys side in an instant.

"It's okay. You're okay, just breathe." He continued to repeat this until Merlin no longer shook with power and his golden eyes were no more.

"I'm sorry. I'm a monster, I can't control it. Did I hurt you? I'm so sorry if I did. Oh god you probably hate me now. I'm so stupid. Stupid. Stupid." Merlin's rambling was cut of by Arthur hugging him tightly.

"I don't hate you Merlin. I could never hate you. Okay I am mad you didn't tell me but I completely understand why. I'm not exactly the best person to tell a secret of this magnitude. Also never, ever call yourself a monster ever again. No matter how much power you possess, you will always be the kindly country boy who saves my life day after day. Don't deny it because I know it's true. You are many things; a monster is definitely not one of them."

Merlin felt like bursting into tears all over again. Never in all the years of serving Arthur did he even consider the possibility Arthur would accept him for his magic. Looking back Merlin felt such guilt that he would ever doubt his friend.

Merlin leant into the embrace and let out a shaky breath.

"Thank you Arthur."

"Any time Merlin."

Dunno what this is but oh well aha. Hope you enjoyed

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