Venus' book

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I will be back to requests shortly. Writers block is a bitch and I am struggling atm. But in the mean time here is a fluffy Merthur fic




Arthur laid his head on his arms, puffing out his cheeks as if that would expel his boredom. Merlin worked around him, his hands moving swiftly and professionally despite his title of clumsy idiot. The young king couldn't help but follow Merlin everywhere he moved and it didn't take long for Merlin to notice this. Pretty quickly every movement was exaggerated in the most comical of fashion trying to provoke the tiniest hint of laughter.

Needless to say it worked.

"I appreciate the effort, Merlin, but this isn't making me feel any better." The king said, ironically through bursts of laughter. Merlin looked him up and down before shrugging returning to his chores.

"Suit yourself prat."

Arthur shifted in his seat, the chair grating against the floor sounding like nails on a chalkboard.

"I just don't see why I can't tell them. It's not like we have tried to hide it these past few years. Everyone is just too thick to see it."

Merlin sighed and set the chest plate he was currently polishing on the table. As he made his way to Arthur's side he reached for the leather cord hidden by his neckerchief.

"Tell me honestly, do you think they will accept this?"

"Yes!" Merlin raised his eyebrow quizzically and Arthur pouted. "Okay it may take a little convincing but I'm the king! They have to listen to me."

"Okay now you just sound like a child." With the tip of his finger he lifted Arthur's head up, brushing his lower lip with his thumb in a way that made Arthur's pupils dilate. "I have been hiding my entire life and I don't like it either. But I don't want to lose this, Arthur. I can't."

Arthur was too focused on the feeling of Merlin's hands tracing his jawline to think of an answer. Rolling his eyes playfully, Merlin drew back and returned to the pile of armour. Arthur sank back down this time with a smitten smile plastered onto his face. Well that was one way to lift his mood.

"You know you don't have to do that anymore." He remarked, making a grab for the sword. This had become quite the routine for them in recent months. It would seem Merlin hadn't quite grasped the idea that courting the king meant he didn't really need to clean his armour anymore.

Well courting isn't exactly the right word...

"And what am I supposed to be doing instead? You can't be my knight in shining armour without the shiny armour."

"That was ridiculously cheesy."

"I'm still not hearing a valid reason to stop." Merlin scrubbed harder against the metal without breaking eye contact, daring Arthur to do something. Anything.

Arthur was determined not to give into those eyes. He crossed his arms and stared back unaware that someone was watching them from the door.

"Sire?" Merlin yelped in surprise, dropping the armour. The clattering of metal echoed around the room making Gwen flinch. Arthur had to bite his tongue to stop himself bursting into fits of laughter.

"Yes Gwen?"

"You've been summoned by the council. Something about a bad harvest." With a sigh Arthur stood up and followed Gwen out of the room. He waited until she walked around the corner to turn back to Merlin and mouth an 'I love you' before closing the door.

Merlin One-Shots!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon