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This is set a week after Merlin becomes a dragonlord, but neither Gaius nor Merlin knew about Balinor being Merlin's father. This does not follow the episode at all.




Merlin rarely strays from Arthur's side. He is loyal to a fault and is never afraid to show it. But there are secrets that must never get out or that loyalty with be mistaken as something far more sinister. Secrets that even Gaius is unaware of.

You see when a dragon lord comes of age their ancient connection with the dragons is enhanced. That process unlocks abilities so fantastical it is hard to believe they are true. But every gift comes with a curse. It's time for Merlin to discover his.


Hunting. A normal activity for the King and his servant. No one dares to question why Merlin is dragged along, as it is common knowledge the boy hates violence of any sort.

So at least once a week the servant finds himself on the back of a horse burdened with equipment of all kinds heading to a clearing in the middle of the forest. Complaints and snarky comments are batted between servant and master much to the amusement of the Knights. Particularly today, as Arthur is in quite a foul mood.

"Oh for heaven's sake Merlin! You just scared away the deer you clumsy fool!"

"I sneezed oh am I not aloud to sneeze now!" Merlin sniped back with a mischievous glint in his ocean eyes.

Arthur, clearly unable to think of a comeback, mounted his horse and rode ahead of the group. Merlin rolled his eyes and followed, smirking at the giggles behind him.

They rode for another hour when Merlin started complaining once more.


"What is it Merlin." Arthur definitely wasn't smiling at the childish behaviour. Why on earth would you think that?

"My back hurts. Can we rest for a while." Arthur turned in his saddle only to meet the largest doe eyes he has ever seen. For a moment he was lost in the swirling blue irises that reflected the golden rays of sun beautifully. It's almost as if the sunbeams were streaking through the blue itself.

He shook himself out of his daze quickly regaining composure. "Don't be such a girl Merlin." Was his oh so clever response.

"Please sire." Arthur almost fell of his horse. Merlin never calls him that. When he does it is out of insolence, not respect. Something must be wrong.

"Okay okay. We will stop for a bit. Everyone dismount."

Merlin shot Arthur a thankful smile and hesitantly dismounted. His winces and hisses of pain didn't go unnoticed. By the time the camp was set up Arthur was besides himself with worry. Merlin was hunched over at the base of a tree, distanced from the rest of his group. His frail arms were shakily massaging the top of his shoulders. Occasional whimpers of pain escaped the otherwise silent boy, which set off warning bells in Arthur's mind.

Merlin was never silent. He never showed any signs of weakness or pain around others.

Something is very very wrong.

"Merlin are you okay?" Arthur asked as he slowly approached his servant. No answer.

"Merlin please talk to me." Nothing. He didn't even lift his head. But the rubbing has stopped, Merlin was listening.

"We can head home if you would like. I doubt we would have caught anything anyway." Dark curls bounced from side to side as Merlin shook his head.

"It's fine. I'm fine. We don't have to head home because of me."

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