Hunting trip

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Just a cute lil hunting story...nothing more.... definitely nothing more....

Also in this merlin has his own house in the lower town. Idk why he just does.

A/N I have gone through and edited this slightly. I will be doing this with all of these fics just a heads up :)



I roll my eyes for the hundredth time that day. It's only noon!

"Yes sire?" I ask, popping my head round the Royal Prat's door.

"My room is a mess. Where have you been?" I stifle a laugh at Arthur's attempt to get dressed without me. Honestly Gaius sends me out to get herbs for one hour and he is literally falling apart. Utterly hopeless.

"Gaius wanted me to run an urgent errand. Needed supplies." I state, still biting back the laughter. Arthur seems to catch on as he looks down with a sheepish grin.

"Honestly can you do anything by yourself!" I laugh whilst fixing his shirt, trying not to blush as my hand brushes his chest.

Arthur stares at me with his usual irritated look. But this time there is a hint of...fondness? Whatever it was it vanished in an instant as soon as my eyes met his.

"I will have you know I am very capable of doing things myself." He defends, crossing his arms against his chest like a defensive toddler.

"Oh so you wouldn't mind if I had the afternoon off then. If you are so capable."

"Merlin!" I hold my arms up in surrender, a mischievous smirk tugging at my lips.

"Actually I am going hunting later, so once you have taken care of my chambers I need you to prepare out horses."

"Of course Sire." I make sure to sound as sarcastic as possible.

"Idiot." He mutters as he saunters of to who knows where.

"Prat!" I retort, thinking he was out of ear shot.

"I heard that!"

"You were supposed to!"


I don't know why Arthur thought this would be a good idea. It's the middle of winter and snowing. And here we are, walking through the woods catching our death.

The royal Pratness insisted on leaving our horses tied up at our little camp we made. So I have been doomed to walk in soggy boots, with only a thin cloak to keep me warm.

It's alright for Arthur. He has loads of extra padding (in more ways than one!) There is no risk of him getting cold.

"Arthur let's go back. It's cold and we haven't found anything yet."

"Stop being such a girl Merlin."

"Oh I am sorry. Not everyone has as much padding as you."

"Shut up."

"No, it's not-" I am cut of my his hand clamping over my mouth. I tear it of and cast him a displeased look as if to say 'what?'

Arthur crouches low to the ground, hiding behind a bush. Then I hear it.

The crunching of boots on the fresh snow. The clanking of metal on metal.


Great! Just what I need. Another flipping fight. Can I not have one day where I'm not saving Arthur's ass!

"Stay low and follow me." Arthur whispers. I roll my eyes but follow him all the same. We are closing in on our base when I may have accidentally stepped on a branch.

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