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Modern AU

Haven't done one of these in a while so why not!


Merlin padded across the landing careful not to wake his sleeping roommates en route to the bathroom. He briefly glanced at the clock next to the bathroom door.

Three in the morning.

Of course he would wake up at such an ungodly hour. Merlin let out a small sigh and went to open the door. Locked. 'Huh I wonder who is up?' Merlin thought, leaning on the wall opposite the door. A few moments later he heard a tap running but no flush.


The locked clicked and the door peeled open revealing a puffy eyed Arthur with fresh tear stains down his cheeks. He very nearly shut the door upon seeing Merlin.

"Why are you awake?" Arthur mumbled, putting on a very fake smile.

"I could ask you the same question." Merlin said voice laced with concern. He knew better than to ask someone who was clearly not okay if they were okay. It only ever leads to more tears and Merlin didn't want to see Arthur cry. So instead he lead Arthur into the living room away from the bedrooms and plopped himself on the couch.

When Arthur made no effort to sit next to him, Merlin sighed and tugged him down.

"You hungry?" Merlin asked, rubbing circles on Arthur's back subconsciously. Arthur shook his head and leaned into Merlin's touch enjoying the waves of relaxation coming with every circle.

"You wanna talk?" Merlin whispered, trying to look Arthur in the eyes to figure out what's wrong. Arthur shifted so he faced slightly away from his friend, completely silent. Merlin sighed and leaned against the male.

"I can't help you if you don't talk to me, Arthur." Merlin said, his voice calming yet firm.

"Nightmare." Was all Arthur managed to say and Merlin instantly understood. He wrapped his arms around Arthur and rocked him gently. Arthur melted at his touch resting his head on Merlin as he wept.

"Don't leave." Arthur stuttered.

"I will never leave you Arthur. Never." Merlin said, tilting Arthur's head so he was looking directly in his watery blue eyes. Arthur's face crumpled yet again, bottom lip quivering ever so slightly breaking Merlin's heart. He placed a small kiss on the blonde's forehead, continuing the rocking motion which seemed to help a lot as Arthur quickly drifted back to sleep.

Merlin glanced over to the mantelpiece where the clock read four. He would have to get up for work soon, but there was no way he as leaving Arthur. He grabbed two blankets from a basket in the corner of the living room. One was draped over Arthur who had been positioned so he was laying on the couch. The other Merlin laid on the floor and proceeded to curl up into a ball.

He fell asleep holding Arthur's hand tightly, letting him know that even in sleep he was there.

That's how Gwaine and Lancelot found them a few hours later. They smiled knowingly and decided to leave them be. Gwaine phoned Merlin's work saying he was 'ill' and needed the day of, Lancelot did the same for Arthur.

At around midday Arthur stirred, but stayed in his position until Merlin woke up.

"Thank you." Arthur whispered to the sleepy boy.

"I told you I would never leave." 


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