Dysfunctional family

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I cried so much writing this. Probably why it took me a week to complete

Hope you enjoy


Freya panted heavily, her magic reacting in tandem with the immense pain. Her muscles constricted drawing a cry from her throat. All Merlin could do was hold her hand and whisper words of comfort to his love.

Gaius gasped as a tiny cry cut through the room, silencing the parents instantly.

"Gaius what's wrong." Merlin whimpered, fear gripping hold of his already panicked heart.

"Absolutely nothing. Your daughter is perfectly healthy." Freya choked back a sob and held her hands out for the child. Merlin watched in awe as the baby wriggled against Freya's chest, gargling in contempt.

"What's her name?" Gaius inquired, gazing at the couple with love in his eyes.

"Eden." The two said in unison not taking their eyes of their baby girl who was now asleep. Freya felt her eyes droop closed as she was absolutely exhausted from the twelve hour long labour. Once mother and daughter were sound asleep Gaius pulled Merlin aside, his features painted with worry.

"Your relationship will be even harder to keep secret now, my boy. No one must find out about Freya or the child."

"I know Gaius." Merlin whispered, glancing at his family. "I know."


Arthur paced the length of his room waiting for his manservant. Everyday for the last month without fail Merlin has been late for work. Not by a few minutes mind you, but hours. Some days he doesn't even turn up at all and the Prince has to put up with George for the day.

Arthur should be mad but instead he is filled with gut wrenching worry. He stops in his tracks and stares at the door. Should he go find him? Will he like what he finds?

What am I thinking, this is Merlin  I am talking about. He probably just overslept....lets go wake him up.

Arthur made for the door and flung it open, only to crash into said serving boy sending them both flying.

"Ow!" Merlin grumbled, rubbing his head. Arthur helped him up despite the throbbing pain in his side.

"Where have you been Merlin? You were supposed to be here an hour ago."

Only now did the king notice the dark circles layered under the once vibrant blue eyes he had grown to love. The sparkle had long vanished, replaced with a tired dullness that is so unlike Merlin. Arthur must have been staring to long as Merlin coughed and pushed past the Prince intending to start work.






"What!" Merlin whipped around with fire in his eyes. Arthur recoiled at the display of anger, completely lost for what to say. Clearly there was something wrong but Merlin seemed in no mood for talking.

"Nothing. Sorry." With that Arthur left his chambers to go train. He will talk to Merlin later.


"Merlin you need to stop worrying. I will be fine." But Freya could barely finish her sentence before collapsing into a coughing fit staining her rag ruby red. Merlin's eyes widened in fear at the sight.

"Frey you aren't fine. Please let me help you." Freya met Merlin's eyes with a sad acceptance.

"There is nothing you can do Merls. It is my time, promise me you will keep Eden safe for me." Merlin lowered his head onto her shoulder and cried. "It's okay, Merlin. You will be fine."

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