Tavern trip

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Drunk merlin.....


Gwaine dragged Merlin into the tavern and forcefully sat him at the furthest table from the door. Merlin crossed his arms with a pout, refusing to drink a single drop of the mead put in front of him.

"Merlin come on!" Gwaine slurred, already too drunk for his own good. Merlin shook his head, biting back a smirk at Gwaine's reckless behaviour. Gwaine simply shrugs and takes the tankard of mead meant for Merlin, downing it in one gulp.

Arthur and the other knights laughed at the drunk, already a little tipsy themselves. Merlin rolled his eyes at his king who, after one tankard, was piss drunk. Arthur pouted at this shoving a cup in front of his servant.

"Scared Merlin? Scared you can't hold your alcohol." Arthur quipped, words blending together slightly. Merlin scoffed, grabbing the cup confidently.

"Look who's talking." With that he downed the mug as Gwaine did, ignoring the triumphant cheers from said knight. No one had been able to get Merlin to drink. Who knew all it took was one snarky comment from the King!

Merlin slammed the mug on the table and smirked at Arthur, as if challenging him to beat him. Arthur whole heartedly accepted. The two downed tankard after tankard of alcohol, spurred on by the comments from the Knights.

They stayed so long that the tavern was nearly empty. It was long past midnight when the two finally ceased their battle, Merlin coming out the victor to everyone's surprise and amusement. The humour didn't stop there as Arthur turned out to be what Gwaine likes to call a 'truthful drunk' - meaning he doesn't stop talking!

"Merlin I have always sort of liked your neckerchiefs. Even though they hide your amazing collarbones." Merlin giggled, trying to playfully punch Arthur's shoulder but missing by a long shot.

"I'm glad you don't wear them because I looove looking at yours sire." Merlin drew out the word sire leaning into the blonde. After a few seconds the pair burst out laughing collapsing on each other as if their confessing was the funniest thing in the world.

Very weird compliments ranging from their hair to their feet (the knights couldn't stop laughing at that exchange) were passed, neither one feeling any embarrassment of any sort. Gwaine must have gotten jealous that he was receiving very little attention as he scooped Merlin up and slung him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"I think its time you went home Merlin." Gwaine remarked at the giggling servant over his shoulder. Arthur stood up and tried to take Merlin back, but was eventually lifted up by Percival.

They managed to get to the castle without to much fuss. But when the two knights parted Merlin kicked of.

"I miss you already Arthur!" He shouted, trying to claw his way down Gwaine's back like a cat.

"I bid you farewell my love!" Arthur called back, quite happily resting against Percival's shoulder, head in hands.

Gwaine and Percival exchanged amused looks and walked further away, only to be met with more protest from the men. Gwaine sighed and dropped Merlin on the floor with an 'oof'. He looked at Percival and sighed.

"We are not going to keep them apart are we?" Arthur, Merlin and Percival shook their heads, Merlin already far from Gwaine's grip. Gwaine sighed again, this time accompanied by an eye roll.

"Fine whatever, we will take you to Arthur's room. I am never going to here the end of this." Gwaine muttered the last part to himself and he quickly cornered Merlin and picked him up once more.

They all made their way to Arthur's chambers, ignoring the questioning looks from the servants. Once at the room, Gwaine threw, and I mean this literally, Merlin on the bed. Arthur on the other hand was gently placed on the space next to Merlin.

Percival slapped the under side of Gwaine's head once his hands were free, giving him a look to say 'Why are you throwing you friends around? The hell dude?' to which Gwaine shrugged and walked out the room.

The servant and the King were already asleep, snuggled into each other's chest. Percival bit back an "aw" and followed his annoying friend from the room.

The next morning came quickly, much quicker than the rather hungover pair would have liked. They awoke at the same time, completely unaware of the others presence. That is until they heard snickering at the door. The knights of the round table were stood in the door way wearing shit eating grins. 

That's when Arthur noticed the extra person in his bed. He yelped in surprised and fell of the bed, causing Merlin to do the same.

"Um hi." Merlin squeaked, his head poking out from above the bed.

"Hi?" Arthur whispered, extremely confused.

"What happened?"

Drunk Merlin is fun. Drunk Merlin and Arthur together is amazing. Drunk Gwaine assisting drunk Merlin and Arthur is absolutely perfect.

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