Butterfly Wing

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It was a rather warm day, but not uncomfortable. The sun heated the earth to a bareable temperature. That's not to say the the cool sensation of a bubbling brook wasn't at the top of the hunting parties mind. A particular blonde haired Prince longed for the sweet relief of the cold.

After hours of riding in the blaring sun Arthur lead the party to a small clearing where they knew housed a stream.

It was a particularly small party that day, only consisting of Arthur's closest Knights: Gwaine, Leon, Lancelot and Percival. Elyan was tending to his father so was unable to attend the trip much to the Knights dismay.

The neared the clearing and was met with the most beautifully perculiar sight. A dark haired boy crouched down next to the soft thrum of water. In his hand rested a baby blue butterfly, which batted its wings slowly contempt with the company of the boy. A melodic giggle rang out in the clearing and a pale yellow aura draped over the boy.

The Knights stared in awe and shock as the boy materialised wings almost identical to the butterfly, the only difference being the traces of gold that laced through the delicate surface.

Arthur stepped back, desperately trying not to make a sound. But of course the clumsy crown prince had to step on a branch, which snapped with an obnoxiously loud noise.

The boy turned to the group suddenly terrified. His delicate blue wings dissapeared and were replaced with strong, black feathery ones matching his hair exactly.

"Don't hurt me." Came a petrified whisper.

Arthur was torn. This boy clearly had magic which in the eyes of the law was a crime punishable by death. On the other hand this boy couldn't possibly have the capacity for evil his father insists all sorcerers posses. His Knights looked to him for orders, swords raised and ready.

"Lower your swords. Who are you and why are you in Camelot?" He directed the last part to the boy who was now wrapped in his wings defensively. Arthur hated to see someone look so horrified, and wished nothing more to hear the giggles that only moments ago filled the clearing.

"My name is Merlin. My village cast me out when they found out what I am. I have nowhere to go, please leave me be. I mean you no harm." The boy, Merlin, pleaded with such sorrow in his voice if made the Prince's heart shatter.

"You need not worry, we will not hurt you." At that exact moment an arrow shot past the prince and lodged itself into Merlin's thigh. The boy let out a piercing scream and dropped to the floor. As he did so a wave of pure energy burst through the air, making the trees bow to the blast. It knocked everyone in the vicinity of their feet, including the bandit who shot the arrow.

Arthur took out his sword and lodged it into the bandit's chest. He knew there were more, but his Knights could handle them. He ran over to Merlin and carefully took the arrow out his leg.

"What was that?" Arthur asked as he tore part of his cape to function as a bandage. Merlin choked back a sob and looked at Arthur with pleading eyes.

"I don't know. I can't control any of this. I'm a monster, they were right." Merlin wept, crying harder when Arthur pulled the material tight around his wound.

"You're not a monster." Arthur stated, hoisting Merlin of the ground and half carrying him back to their horses. His Knights had fought of the bandits valiantly and were already waiting for the prince to return.

"Sire what are we going to do? You know we can't take this boy back to Camelot." Leon said eyeing Merlin suspiciously.

Gwaine approached the boy with a smile that made Merlin feel considerably less alone.

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