The lost Prince of Anahaven

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I love Prince Merlin au's, i couldn't resist!

for the sake of this story, Hunith is NOT Merlin's real mother...just keep that in mind.


"Merlin! Get your arse in here now!" Great. The prat is angry. I scramble up from the floor of the armoury and head down the corridor to the throne room. Arthur is sat on his throne looking stunning as always. Except for the massive wine stain on his shirt.

Shit. I could have sworn I cleaned that earlier.

"Would you care to explain why you dressed me in a stained shirt Merlin?" Arthur said, leaning forward to rest his chin on his hands. I gave him my normal goofy grin.

"I assure you sire it wasn't like that earlier. Are you sure you didn't spill some wine at lunch?" I duck out the way of a goblet, raisning my eyebrow. "If you keep throwing goblets around you are bound to get stained." This time a plate flies at my head. I yelp and duck just in time. The plate clatters to the floor just as a knight walks in.

Arthur's smug face is instantly wiped clean, replaced with that of a king; expressionless. "What is it Sir Theodore?"

"The young prince of Anahaven wishes to seek an audience with you. He along with three of his knights have just arrived in Camelot."

Arthur's eyes flick to his shirt, then me, then back to the knight. "Tell them I will be avaliable shortly. Have them get taken to the guest quarters." The knight nodded and left the room. I chuckle at Arthur's panicked expression.

"Come on prat lets go get you changed."


The visiting Prince bows to Arthur, his knights following suit. "Thank you for agreeing to see me my lord." Arthur nods in response, allowing for the Prince to continue. "I am Prince Alder. I am here to ask for your aid. My older brother, the heir to the throne of Anahaven, has been missing for twenty years. We recently caught word that he is living in Camelot. I was wondering of you would allow me to search the lower town and the castle for him."

If Arthur was shocked by this information he didn't show it. Everyone else certainly did however. Whispers of the lost Prince rippled around the room. I couldn't help but wonder who he could be.

Arthur effectively silenced the room by raising his hand.
"I would love to be of service, Prince Alder. I will require any sort of information you have on your brother, to help us identify him."

The Prince nods, and reaches into his pocket. He draws out a beautiful golden band, with leaves carved into the metal, attached to a chain. My heart stops.

"The Prince should have one identical to this. He was wearing it when he was taken." I stumble back hitting my leg on the chair. I don't take my eyes of the ring. The noise I am making draws stares and worried glances from the noblemen and servants. Before Arthur can have time to question me I bolt from the room. I head for my chambers.

Once there I dig through the few possessions I own and find a small leather pouch. Hesitantly I tip the contents of the bag out. The cool metal on my palm makes me shiver. My legs give way as I study my ring closer, making me fall onto my bed.

This can't be real. There is no way this is happening. Am I...? No. No I'm not. I'm imagining things. They aren't the same.

Gaius breaks me from my thoughts. He is shouting something about Arthur being worried. But even that doesn't make me tear my eyes away from the chain. I am frozen, forced to look at this piece of beautifully crafted metal.

"Merlin what on earth are you..." Arthur's voice at the door draws me out of my mind. I turn to him, probably as white as my bed sheet. I can feel the tears prickling at the back of my eyes, whether Arthur can see them I am unsure.

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