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Basically Gwaine being a badass bitch, oh and head over heels for Merlin.


Gwaine tilts Merlin's chin up to get a proper look at his face. Even in the dying torch light the large purple bruises speckled with black and rimmed with the deepest greens could clearly be seen. One of his eyes were swollen shut, the other rubbed raw from crying. Streaks of dirt and blood mixed with the tear tracks, accentuating the horrors on the poor boys face. The fresh evidence of the fight could still be wiped away as Gwaine thumbed a streak of blood from Merlin's lip. All the while the two men stayed silent as Gwaine examined his boyfriend.

After what felt like an eternity of silence, Merlin's heart skipped a beat as Gwaine looked him dead in the eye. His voice was quite and tensez anger barely restrained.

"Who did this?"

Merlin's lip quivered uncontrollably a small whimper escaping his hoarse throat. Gwaine's heart shattered as he watched the love of his life fall apart.

"Sir Kay."

Gwaine clenched his fists so hard that the cracking of knuckles could be heard from the other side of the castle. His face held no emotion but his eyes, well his eyes could burn through titanium.

"I'm going to kill him."

"No Gwaine. I'm fine really." Merlin reached for the Knights hand but he was already stalking towards the door. Merlin didn't have the strength to get up and follow, so he simply allowed his body to lay down and rest.

Gwaine stormed through the castle headed for the training grounds. On the way he passed Percival who taking one look at his friend instantly followed. That look screamed death and Percival very much wanted to find out who pissed of Gwaine.

By the time he reached the field, Gwaine had a rather large following of curious Knights. The man stormed to the centre where the young Sir Kay was training and  pushed him so hard he crumpled to the floor.

"Don't touch Merlin again." His voice echoed across the field catching everyone's attention.

"I don't know what you mean." That earned him a kick to the gut.

"You know exactly what I mean."

"He deserved it." Percival tried to grab Gwaine's arms but was pushed back. No one was taking this away from the Knight.

(Trigger warning in the next paragraph: f slur)

"You leave him alone or I swear you are going to get more than a kick." Gwaine started to stalk away when Kay scrambled to his feet and yelled after him.

"Yeah that's right, run away you fag."

Every taunt, every jeer from his childhood came back to him and in a moment of hot anger Gwaine whipped around and charged at Kay. Kay's smirk was wiped clean as he was toppled to the floor.

The clang of skin against metal was deafening. Each man tried to land as many punches as possible before being ripped apart by on lookers. Kay looked absolutely atrocious, worse than Merlin. He was now sporting two black eyes, a split lip and cheek, broken knuckles and quite possible a fractured wrist.

Kay was dragged of to the armoury, Gwaine glaring as he left. When he passed Gwaine spat blood at him (a tooth got dislodged thanks to Kay's very unfair advantage of armour).

"Gwaine what the hell where you thinking?" Percival hissed but there was no trace of regret on the younger man's face. If anything he looked pretty triumphant.

"Would you rather Merlin used his magic on him?" Silence. "No? Didn't think so."

With that Gwaine waltzed inside, albeit slowly and with a very obvious limp. A very clear message had been given that day.

Don't mess with Merwaine.

Merlin One-Shots!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang