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Merlin with wings again! Except this time everyone in Camelot knows about them. Magic is legal for plot convenience!

Angst angst angst


Merlin stumbled through the brush in a desperate attempt to evade his attackers. They had blocked his magic with a drug specifically designed to harm sorcerers. It's truly barbaric.

"Come back boy. We aren't done with you yet."

Merlin ran carelessly between trees, not caring where he ended up. As long as he made it to the Camelot borders. Once there he'll be safe. Or at least that's what he hopes.

A surge of pain shoots up his spine and he crumples to the floor. A mace has lodged itself between his shoulder blades, cutting deep into the skin. Out of instinct his wings revealed themselves, huddling protectively around Merlin's frail form.

"Ah yes this is what we wanted. A true prize for any hunter." The attacker knelt down wearing a toothy grin that made Merlin want to throw up. "Dragonlord wings."


Hours of pain and torture could not compare to the five minutes it took to rob Merlin of his ancestoral right.

His back seared with pain unlike no other. Not even the death he craved could release him from the burden.

And what did the hunters do? They laughed. Celebrated like they had won the greatest prize in all the five kingdoms. A dragonlord's wings could buy them a kingdom of their own. A rare and unique specimen that fetches a hefty price.

Camelot's rivals knew of the small lanky warlock who nestled his way into the king's court. They neither agreed or approved of the way Camelot opened their doors to magic, allowing these freaks of nature to walk free and even command respect. This was their way of retaliating.

Feeling nothing but hot pain, Merlin screamed into the darkness. He felt his magic claw at his skin, shaking the ground and causing the walls to collapse. The tremor cut Merlin of from the hunters giving him much need chance of escape.

He ran as fast as his shaky legs could take him, resorting to magic when he felt on the brink of collapse.

He ran through the forest his mind set on one goal: Camelot. Merlin passed the border and instantly collapsed. Before he passed out completely he heard the roar of a dragon, pained and dying.

Then it was black.


A little over a year ago Merlin had casted one of the most powerful spells in existence over Camelot. Anyone who passed over the border set of a different alarm based on their intentions. That sound rang through the castle alerting all to a possible intruder.

However this alarm was unlike any they had heard before. A piercing dragon roar that shook the castle to its core. Only one person could spark a call that powerful.


Arthur ran from the throne room his Knights in tow and headed for the courtyard. They mounted their horses and rode of towards the sound.

Arthur had been looking for Merlin for weeks. He had been kidnapped on a hunting trip by a band of unknown mercenaries and they had been unable to track them. Now he was back within Camelot's borders they could easily find the Dragonlord. But none knew what to expect when they did.

One things for certain, they did not expect to see Merlin passed out with blood staining his back. Two bloodied stumps remained from where his huge majestic wings once sat. Arthur picked him up tenderly and helped him onto his horse. Halfway home the dragonlord awoke. The first thing that escaped his mouth was a pained cry.

"They- they took my wings." Merlin mumbled, mind still fogged with sleep.


"My wings, they- they took my wings Arthur. I'll never fly again."

Short, sad, ✨angst✨

Merlin One-Shots!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora