Stupid Laws part two

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Part two!!!

Arthur's POV:

The weeks after Merlin left were hard. Impossible even. I could barely function knowing I forced the one good thing out of my life, even though in a matter of months I will see him again.

Well that's if I can ever get these stubborn old men on my side.

They resent any form of change, good or bad. Albeit magic has a reason to be feared as Camelot has a history of evil sorcerers. But they fail to see the beauty in it. I have seen for myself how magic can be used for good.

Take the druids for example. They are the definition of peace. They work with magic everyday, using it to complete daily tasks. Not once has their people waged war on Camelot or any other kingdom.

It was my father who started this war with magic. Sorcerers had no choice but to defend themselves against his evil.

Surprisingly, I didn't need to do much convincing to abolish the other law. The law that prevents same sex couples to be public in Camelot. Many believed this law was wrong and outdated.

Why they couldn't see that about magic I don't know.

It is now nearing the two month mark, and I am getting nowhere with the council. I have stormed out of countless meetings enraged by the comments thrown around.

"Arthur stop pacing you are making me dizzy." Gwen remarked from across the room.

"I'm sorry. I'm just thinking."

"About Merlin?" Gwen asked with genuine curiosity. She is one of the only people who knows about my feelings towards the man.

I nod in response, switching my gaze to the fireplace. The dancing flames calm my mind.

"I am sure he is fine Arthur. For now you need to focus on removing that law. Then you can see him once more."

"What if he doesn't want to come back." I sigh turning to face the serving girl.

"What do you mean, of course he will want to come back."

"Gwen I locked him in a cell, banished him and destroyed his reputation. He had a good life here and I took it away all because he made a few things float. How will he be able to look me in the eyes after what I have done to him."

Gwen sighed and walked over to me. She placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and began.

"Arthur, he knew the consequences of using magic here. He was well aware of the risk of you finding out, and he knew what would happen if you did. The fact you spared his life shows how you have changed. He will want to come back to you, to help assist you in your destiny once more. Have patience. The council will come around eventually."

"I wish I was as wise as you."

"You can be a bit thick sometimes sire." Gwen said with a cheeky smile. I laughed at her confidence, swatting her arm lightly. She sure knew how to cheer me up.

"Thank you Gwen for being here for me." I say sincerely.

"No problem Arthur, I will always be here for you to talk to." Gwen said with a bow before walking out of the room.

I took a seat at my desk, ignoring the food that was brought in shortly after Gwen's departure.

This is going to be a long night.


"Gentlemen please, quite down." I yell over the raucous. The council immediately falls silent. I clear my throat and begin my speech.

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