Highschool bullies

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Modern AU, no magic. This is a preview for my new book 'Highschool bullies'


Arthur Pendragon is Emrys High's pride and joy. He is the popular jock with good grades. A pure soul who could do no wrong in the teachers eyes. But when their backs are turned his is a little shit!

He has his little gang of equally popular jocks that terrorize the school. For some reason there are always a gaggle of fangirls chasing after them. I don't quite know why, I mean he isn't even that good looking!

Oh, I'm Merlin by the way. The schools nobody. I know, pathetic right. Just a theater kid who spends all his free time in the drama block as to avoid the hateful stares from one Arthur Pendragon who has had it in for me ever since pre-school. His father is a rich snob who absolutely hates my family. Something about my Dad getting him into trouble in court over a decade ago.

The feud seems to have been passed down as Pendragon Jr bullies me pretty much any chance he can get.

His sister isn't too bad though. We have a couple of shared classes and she can at least act civil. I guess Gwen is to thank for that. My partner in crime, best friend since year five when I offered to help her with the school play. Both of us are huge theater fanatics.

When we moved to secondary she developed a huge crush on Morgana Pendragon, despite my warnings about the family. They have been together three years now. Not gonna lie they are cute as fuck, but I still don't trust her or her brother.

"Earth to Merlin!" Gwen shook my shoulders making me fall of my chair. Luckily no one was in the auditorium to see.

"What was that for?" I whine, rubbing my back.

"I have been talking to you for the past ten minutes did you not hear any of it?" She says, hands on her hips. I shake my head sheepishly and push myself back onto the chair.

"I said who do you think Mr Wilson will pair you with for that drama assignment?" She obviously gave me the shortened version because there is no way that would take her ten minutes to say.

"If he has any sense he will pair us together." I laugh, thinking back to the countless full marks we have received in the past.

"Oh I hope so!" Gwen squeals. The bell rings and we pack our stuff up. The class files into the auditorium and we join them. Mr Wilson walks onto the stage, carrying a chair and sits center stage.

"I am sure you are all aware of the upcoming exam. I have a list of pairs here that will be pinned outside my room at lunch. For now I would like you to chose anyone in the room and go over a piece of your choice."

The room erupts into chatter as students file out of rows and head to the stage. Obviously Gwen and I  claim our spot at the front of the stage and begin rehearsing monologues.

The rest of the morning flies by in an uneventful blur. By lunch I am buzzing with anticipation, waiting outside Mr Wilson's classroom along with the rest of the class. Ten minutes into lunch he emerges from the classroom with a piece of paper in hand.

We make a aisle for him to get through and close in behind him, eager to see the results.

As soon as he steps away the crowd surges towards the board. Squeals of girls who have been paired with their friends overpower the groans from others. When I finally get to the board I have to read it at least six times to ensure I wasn't hallucinating.

I stare at Mr Wilson in a mix of anger and confusion until an all to familiar voice cuts through the sudden silence.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!"

My eyes flick back to the name on the board. A black and white death sentence.

Arthur Pendragon

And that's all your getting! I can't wait to start the actual book!

Also on an unrelated note three updates in one day who am I 😂😂 I haven't updated this much ever

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