Beauty and the Bestie

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The prompt is above, thank you BettySmith2 for this comment I love this idea so much!!!

Hope you enjoy


Arthur and his Knights filed into the armoury to shed their chain mail when an interesting conversation sparked.

"I wonder who Merlin likes more. Me or the princess." Leon chuckled at Gwaine's blatant insult to the king of Camelot. Arthur ignored the statement entirely, not in the mood for Gwaine's bets.

"I bet it's me." Gwaine said nonchalantly. Arthur rolled his eyes and huffed in a slightly childish manner.

"Jealous are we Arthur?" Lancelot quipped, making sure he was a distance away from the testy king.

"Not in the slightest. Why would I be jealous of a false statement." Gwaine scoffed at that.

"Come on we all know Merlin prefers me to you."

"Yeah but I think he prefers me to you." Lancelot told Gwaine with a smirk.

Soon the armoury was filled with playful betting, over who is better friends with the peppy servant.

"That settles it. Whoever gets Merlin to say the words, 'you are a dear friend to me' gets free drinks at the tavern and immense bragging rights." Gwaine announced holding out his hand. Everyone, including Arthur took it.

Gwaine smirked at Arthur, whispering something to Percival under his breath.

'He is up to something.' Arthur thought to himself as he made his way to his chambers.

The game had begun. Arthur had no idea what he had signed up for...


Later that day Gwaine burst into the physician's chambers clutching a basket of fruits and goods, clearly taken from the palace kitchens.

Merlin looked up in surprise at the sweaty Knight panting in his doorway.

"" He said between breaths, holding out the basket that smelled delicious.

"Thank you?" Merlin said, taking the basket. He had his normal goofy smile plastered on his face, but his eyes were tinted with confusion.

Gwaine obviously didn't catch on because he smiled, nodded and walked out the chamber without an ounce of explanation.


Merlin was called upon by Arthur, only to be stopped by Elyan. The knight was not in his normal attire, instead wearing clothing similar to that of a servant.

"Let me do that Merlin, you are being worked to death at the moment." Elyan offered, gently taking the bucket of water and cloth from the very confused serving boy.

"Arthur won't be very happy if-"

"Don't worry about that. You go relax, I will calm the royal arse down."

Merlin smiled gratefully and headed back down the corridor. Gwaine and Percival emerged from behind a pillar with smug looks on their faces.

"Oh shut up." Elyan said, slightly peeved Merlin didn't say anything more.


Shortly after Elyan had saved Merlin from work, Gaius asked him to run an errand to the lower town. He was glad to get out of the citadel, he was getting slightly worried by everyone's strange behavior.

Just as he thought he was safe, Lancelot approached him with a beaming smile on his face.

"Here Merlin, let me take that. Gaius has informed me of where to take it. You can go rest."

Merlin One-Shots!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt