Shadow Oracle #1

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this is dedicated to sask_wingy143 who requested a god!merlin story. This is gonna be mergwaine because I simply haven't written enough and I love the idea of them together (although Merthur will always be my otp)




Ever since he was a boy Gwaine was subject to restless nights. His mother often told him that dreams were a sign of an overactive imagination, but even at the age of ten a young Gwaine knew that was not the cause. No dream felt that real, that vivid.

They were always the same. Or at least they had the same characters. Himself and another boy. As he grew so did the boy, their conversations fluctuating between the ordinary and fantastical.

Most children would grow out of such dreams by the age of fifteen or so. Not Gwaine. These dreams followed him into adulthood. At one point they became so captivating Gwaine was scared to fall asleep, worried he would get too engrossed in this other world and be unable to wake up. I guess that's why the drinking started. Through much trial and error he found alcohol was the only thing to dull his mind enough for a peaceful night's sleep. So what if he had a constant hangover before the age of twenty and most likely severe liver damage and other health problems.

When he met Arthur and was later knighted in the name of Camelot, he tried to hide this part of his life. The only time he drank in front of his new found friends was on their rare tavern trips. Otherwise he kept bottles stashed under his bed, in cupboards, behind pillars. Basically anywhere where no one would think to look.

But of course Gwaine couldn't keep this up for long. No less than a month into his new position he began to spend days in the local tavern drinking the place dry. Plagued by a particularly strong dream that refused to leave the confines of his mind even in daylight.

"Gwaine mate, you need to stop this. You haven't left the tavern in days. Arthur is pissed enough as it is." Percival stated with his arms crossed against his chest. Gwaine lifted his head from the table, one hand still wrapped around his tankard.

"Why don't you join me?" He slurred in a drunken haze.

Percival slammed his hand on the table and Gwaine jerked up in surprise. Distracted Percival stole the cup from within his grasp and threw it across the tavern. Luckily the place was deserted - by order of the Knight - so no one received a blow to the back of the head.

"What the hell!" Gwaine shouted, stumbling to his feet which was a struggle. A haze had descended upon the room and he could almost feel the earth moving underneath him.

"You are drunk out of your mind and you want more? No. You are coming with me right now." There was no room for protest and Gwaine had no choice to comply. After stumbling across the tavern Percival finally took pity and aided Gwaine on the rest of their journey.

When they arrived at the Knight's chambers they were greeted by Elyan, Lancelot and Leon all staring with disappointment. A pile of bottles sat on Gwaine's bed. Elyan was gripping one so hard the glass could shatter any second.

Gwaine shifted his gaze to the floor as he felt Percival's grip loosen. He stumbled to his desk and slumped into his chair.

"It's okay Gwaine. They are your friends. They won't judge you, ask for their help."

"Gwaine what is all this?" Leon whispered, not trusting the others to talk.

The knight rested his head in his hands and sighed. His hair fell in front of his face, obscuring it from the others. No one could see the tears well up.

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