Royal Blood

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prince!merlin because I love it so much!

Balinor is alive and has no magic.


Arthur paced nervously across his chambers. Today he would meet his betrothed for the first time. He hated the idea that his marriage had been planned since the day of his birth. But he had heard good things about the Princess of Eoin. Hopefully they would be able to at least tolerate each other.

A gentle knock at the door stopped the prince in his tracks. He uttered a shaky come in and breathed a sigh of relief when Merlin popped his head around the door.

"Your father sends for you. I think the royal family of Eoin are here."

Arthur simply nods, running his hand through his hair. Merlin caught on to the nervous tension and put a comforting hand on the Prince's arm.

"I know you're nervous Arthur. Everything will be fine, I am sure she is incredibly nice."

"Nice. That's the best you can come up with." Arthur scoffs earning a playful punch on the arm.

"Prat." Merlin mumbled, rubbing his knuckles as he had stupidly punched the armour that lay across Arthur's chest.

"I guess we should get going." Arthur sighs making a start for the door.

Merlin watched as he left, feeling the oh so familiar sinking feeling in his stomach. He wished that he was the lucky Princess that got to have Arthur. Ever since he first lay eyes on the arrogant blonde Merlin has been completely and utterly infatuated with him.

But alas it can never be. Not only is homosexuality incredibly frowned upon, but Merlin has magic. Magic! The one thing Uther has sworn to destroy. So Merlin will just have to grin and bare it and hope to whatever god there is that he gets over this crush soon.

Very unlikely.

"Merlin!" The servant scuttles out the room in persuit of his master, not wanting to make him any angrier then he already is.


Merlin stood at the back of the room, pushed against a pillar due to the sheer amount of people packed into the Great hall. He watched as Arthur chewed at his lip and fiddled with the hem of his shirt. He was so busy staring he didn't even notice the trumpets blaring from behind the door, of the gasps and whispers that rippled around the room.

It was only when Arthur's jaw dropped slightly Merlin was alerted to the presence of the royal family. When he laid eyes on the Princess he almost fainted.

She wore a floor length red dress embroidered with golden beads and embellishments. Long ebony black locks tumbled past her shoulders in neat curls, a golden band woven into them. But the thing that shocked Merlin the most was her deep blue eyes that glimmered with a cocky confidence. A blue that matched his own perfectly. It was like looking in a mirror and that terrified the young warlock.

The princess walked behind her parents, stopping a few steps short of them when they reached the grand steps. Arthur and Uther stepped down from their thrones to greet the family, but Arthur's mind was somewhere else entirely.

"Welcome Balinor my friend. It has been too long." Uther greeted with a smile, something that rarely graced his features.

"It has indeed Uther. May I introduce my daughter, Freya Ambrosius Princess of Eoin." The princess, now known as Freya, curtsied respectfully keeping her crystal eyes trained to the floor.

"Welcome Freya, I hope you enjoy your stay. Allow my to introduce my son, Prince Arthur."

Arthur stepped forward and bowed deeply, taking her hand as he rose and planting a small kiss on the back. A deep blush painted Freya's cheeks, one born of awkwardness and discomfort. Arthur sensed this and dropped her hand immediately, shooting her a small smile before resuming his place next to his father.

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