Coming of age

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This is a continuation of one of my previous stories "Dysfunctional family". There will be a recap of sorts but I suggest you reread that first before this one


Eden ran across the courtyard with her bow in hand. Finally she could escape the hustle and bustle of city life. On her tenth birthday she was granted a position in her father's office - the court sorcerer's apprentice. The main reason being she needed to learn control over her powers. Another being she hated the long days separated from Merlin, which is understandable since they had been joined at the hip since her birth.

But today is the one day she can escape it all. After all, no one would dare to keep the child locked up inside on her birthday.

Eden ran through the lower town, waving at the children who have grown to love the teenager. She reached the stables and rushed to find her horse; a gift from Arthur when she turned thirteen.

"Freddie, where on earth are you?" The girl muttered. On cue the stallion peeked its head over the stall and whinnied. Eden quickly saddled him up and rushed to the door.

Of course that's when he decided to show up.

"And where do you think you're going?"

"Dad, I have been trapped in that castle all week! Plus it's my birthday. You have to let me go!"

Merlin tried his best to keep a straight face but just could resist laughing at his daughter's puppy dog eyes. He waved his hand and stepped aside allowing the horse to gallop past.

"Be back by noon!" There was really no point in shouting after her. She was long gone.


"Oh how I have missed this." Eden sighed, tipping her head back and allowing her ivory hair to catch the breeze.

She came to a stop in a small clearing that bordered a short cliff face. Beneath the white cliffs was a beautiful pond with water as clear as crystals. Wildlife of all sorts had gathered in the mystical glade, all of which were now staring at Eden.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to frighten you all." Eden apologised as she dismounted Freddie. When her boots hit the grass many animals flinched back startled. Eden slowly made her way to the water's edge careful not to startle the wildlife further.

Once she had settled the forest continued its day as if Eden wasn't even there. Except for a single snowy rabbit that decided to approach. It's cotton tail quivered with curiosity as it neared the strange creature it had never laid eyes on before.

The closer it hopped the wider Eden's smile grew. It came so close that she could practically reach out and touch it although she refrained from doing so.

"Hi. My name is Eden."

The bunny hopped on to its hind legs and tilted its head as if trying to communicate. Eden simply burst into giggles making the poor rabbit even more confused.

"You really are adorable." The bunny hopped closer allowing its head to brush Eden's fingertips. Instinctively Eden began to stroke it's soft fur that glistened in the early sun.

"I love coming here. It's so peaceful isn't it! Just trees as far as the eyes can see, a beautiful crystalline pond, and more wild flowers than I knew existed. No duties or training. No dad telling me what to do, although I love him dearly he can be a bit protective at times. And terrible at keeping secrets. He thinks I don't know that he and uncle Arthur are planning a ball for my birthday." The bunny's ears perked up at that as if deeply enthralled in the one sided conversation.

"There are going to be so many lords and ladies there just for me. Strange to think about really, I'm not special. I guess that's why I had to get out while I could, who knows how long I could be trapped in that castle. Not that I'm not grateful, quite the opposite actually. I just don't do well with...people." Eden let out a small laugh and lau back in the grass. She placed her hands under her head and gazed up at the cloud speckled sky.

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