Flowers part 2

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Continuing on from last story.


For the next week the two men met up at the same spot in the secluded park. Each time they parted they left with an item of the others possession as a promise to meet again. That promise was never broken.

Despite Arthur's busy life he always made sure he would be able to see the ebony haired savior. He missed him terribly in the few hours they were apart, for a reason unknown to Arthur.

Their next meeting was slightly different. Merlin had suggested getting something to eat, so the two made their way into town, ignoring the jealous stares shot by passing girls, most of which were aimed at Merlin.

Merlin couldn't blame them. Arthur was particularly gorgeous that day, not like he isn't every day. Merlin would never admit this but he has taken liking to the blonde haired boy. Something about him draws Merlin in, it's intoxicating.

They reached a small cafe where they ordered coffee and cream cakes. In-between bites they would make small talk.

"How long have you lived here?" Merlin asked through a mouthful of cake.

"All my life, although I barely left my estate for the majority of it." Arthur replied truthfully. His father had home-schooled him, allowing him to treat Arthur as he pleased without raising suspicion. It was a truly horrible time that Arthur wished to forget, so Merlin didn't press.

"I moved here two years ago. People distanced themselves from me because I'm... different." Merlin goofy smile dropped slightly at the recollection of hateful stares he first received upon moving here. Arthur noticed this and took Merlin's pale hand in his own.

"Your the best kind of different. Everyone here is so narrow minded and conceited. You are so amazingly open and caring, it's no wonder these people thought you strange. But your not, you are Merlin and that's amazing." Merlin's smile returned brighter than normal. Arthur always knew exactly what to say, and vice versa. It's like they were made for each other. Two sides of the same coin.

They finished their coffee then went for a walk down near the cliffs overlooking a calm sea. They sat a little ways back from the edge, shuffled close together to hide from the wind.

Neither of the pair knew how long they sat there for. Long enough for the clear blue sky to turn various shades of vibrant orange, then eventually a deep black dotted with silver specks of light.

Merlin shivered, regretting wearing the thin top he chose. Without hesitation Arthur removed his coat and wrapped it round the latter's shoulders. He then casually rested his arm around Merlin's shoulder, pulling him in so his head rested on the blonde's shoulder. The same flower crown from their first meeting sat lopsided on Merlin's hair, making him look cuter than ever.

"This has been nice." Merlin whispered, snuggling into Arthur in a sleepy state.

"It has, hasn't it." Merlin smiled, sudden exhaustion creeping over him. He yawned, making a sound equivalent to a mewling kitten. Arthur giggled at the sleepy display, moving the boy so he was laying on his back with Arthur's leg as a pillow.

"I..." Merlin trailed off, drifting into unconsciousness. Arthur smiled warmly, not fazed by his use of words.

"I love you too Merlin."


"Arthur! There you are! I haven't seen you in a couple of days where have you been." Merlin bounded up to the blonde and enveloped him in a warm hug.

"Oh...I was...working. Sorry." Arthur said, letting his hair droop over his face. Sirens went of in Merlin's head at the awkward behaviour displayed. Gently he stroked the strands of gold out the way revealing a deep purple bruise just above his left eye. A small cut was visible in his eyebrow. Merlin gasped in horror, close to tears.

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