Defying destiny

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Also in this Freya was his little sister, not his live interest. Merthur is still on the table guys...😏
Freya is also a warlock (witch idk what's a female warlock?) And isn't cursed to turn into a beast at night. Although she does struggle to contain her powers.


"Run Freya please, you are not safe here."

The ebony haired warlock dragged his little sister down the silent streets of the lower town. He was met with a sombre expression.

"I have accepted my fate. Merlin leave me, you know I  can't control my magic. I don't want to hurt you anymore than I already have."

"But they will hurt you." Merlin cried, gripping his sister's hand. Neither one could get another word in as the warning bells began to toll.

Merlin let out a pained cry, causing a nearby barrel to explode. Freya did her best to comfort her older brother, but to no avail.

They stood in the middle of the street, not caring who saw them. They wanted to remember this feeling of warmth before it would be so cruelly ripped away from them.

Merlin was the first to hear the footsteps. He swivelled round, a protective arm out to shield Freya.

Guards surrounded the two, Arthur facing Merlin dead on.

"Merlin hand her over, she is a danger to you and Camelot."

"She isn't a danger. None of this is her fault." Merlin yelled feeling Freya grip him tighter out of fear.

"You leave me no choice. I am sorry Merlin." With a flick of Arthur's hand the guards pounced. Amoungst them were Lancelot, Leon and Gwaine. Merlin's friends whom he cared for dearly. Who he thought cared for him in return.

Freya was torn from Merlin's arms and quickly pinned to the floor. Terrifying screams were drawn from her throat, enough to pierce the heart of Uther Pendragon himself. Arthur faltered seemingly unsure of how to proceed. His thoughts were stopped short as Merlin lunged at him.

The two toppled over, Merlin throwing lazy punched at the glorified murderer he called a friend. He managed to land a few before being dragged of and detained himself, on the opposite side of the street to Freya.

Onlookers gasped at this display of pure rage exhibited by a usually calm, cheerful boy.

Arthur was shocked into silence. The anger in his servants eyes was like nothing he had ever seen, from anyone.

A silent conversation between Leon and Arthur led to the two siblings being thrown in cells next to one another. As soon as the guards dissapeared, Merlin began to sob.

Freya reached her hand through the bars to comfort her brother, wishing she could do more.

The chains that bound them were created by Merlin himself, not that Arthur knows this. All the king knows is that they stop the sorcerer from using magic whilst wearing them. Merlin hated the fact he had to make them, but his alter ego Dragoon would have been gutted right there and then if he hadn't complied with Arthur.

"I'm sorry." Merlin whispered, turning as much as the chains would allow. His crystal blue eyes met Freya's hazel ones. Both glistened with tears and tainted red.

Before they knew it dawn had arrived. Arthur had sentenced Freya to death for the use of sorcery. Merlin had not been suspected of magic, but was detained for attacking the king (much to Arthur's protest as he could understand the boys anger.)

The dull thud of boots echoed down the dimly lit corridor. It was the sound of death to the siblings. The sound that brought them closer to their last moments together.

Merlin One-Shots!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant