Magic Bois

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I am gonna shake things up a bit and give you some Merwaine.


Gwaine anxiously paced the floors of his room awaiting the arrival of  his best, and only true, friend in Camelot.


The cheery serving boy who looks for the goodness in everyone. The man who could do no wrong. Probably the only person who would understand Gwaine's... secret.

Gwaine balled his fists in an attempt to ground himself, taking deep soothing breaths.

"You can do this Gwaine. You can do this." He muttered to himself. A silent few minutes passed before his door burst open and Merlin tumbled through looked very out of breath.

"Lance said you - needed to - see me." Merlin panted, doubling over. Gwaine rushed to his side and helped him to the table, pulling out the bench so his friend could sit.

"I do. I need to tell you something. But before I do you must promise not to look at me any different." Merlin's eyes glazed over with worry, but he nodded his head. Truth be told he would be lying if he said he wasn't the slightest bit curious as to what Gwaine wanted to tell him.

Said Knight took a deep breath and clamped his eyes shut in preparation.

"I have magic."

If he had opened his eyes he would have seen the beaming smile on the Warlock's face.

But he didn't.

Instead he did something so so stupid.

He bolted. Not even bothering to wait for Merlin's reaction. He was so overcome with fear of what could happen if more people found out. Gwaine booked it down the winding corridors and out onto the training field, which luckily was deserted.

Merlin ran after him determined not to let the knight out of his sight. He understood Gwaine's terror, but it still hurt to think he didn't fully trust him. Why else would he run?

"Gwaine wait!" Merlin shouted as the knight disappeared into the forest surrounding Camelot. He muttered curses under his breath as he followed the path of broken branches and muddy footprints into the woods.

Wind whistled through the trees, which in Gwaine's panicked state made him incredibly dizzy. Everything began to spin around him making him lose his sense of direction.

Clutching his pounding head he crashed to the ground. His magic clawed against his skin, taking advantage of his weakened state. With a terrified scream, his magic exploded, sending a shock wave so immense it sent trees crashing to the ground.

Merlin stumbled as the earthquake shook the ground but never once stopped. He had to get to Gwaine before he caused something bigger and more catastrophic.

"Gwaine where are you?" Merlin cried out over the winds that whipped furiously around the jaunty trees.

A few tiny sobs echoed tauntingly from every direction making it almost impossible to track.


Merlin used his magic to dampen the sounds, leaving only the sobs audible. He followed the sound until he came to a clearing of sorts. In the center sat a trembling Gwaine.

Bits of tree and foliage surrounded him, filling the small crater created in the blast of energy.

Merlin made his way into the crater and kneeled in front of his friend.

"It's okay Gwaine. You're okay." Merlin cooed, reaching forward to hold his hand. But the knight flinched away.

"Don't touch me. I don't want to hurt you. I'm not safe, I'm a- a monster."

"You can't hurt me Gwaine."

"How do you know."

Merlin's eyes glowed a deep gold and the storm lulled. The forest returned to its former state, as if the explosion had never happened.

"I'm just like you, Gwaine." Gwaine stared in awe, a sigh of relief escaping his lips.

"I'm sorry for running." Gwaine mumbled, breaking out of his dazed state. Merlin smiled warmly.

"I understand. I would have done the same." Merlin sat down properly, scooting around so Gwaine could rest on his shoulder. He tried his best not to blush at the contact, making Gwaine giggle. They sat there for a while allowing both men to catch their breath

"I have to say that was pretty impressive. I haven't known of anyone with magic so similar to mine." Merlin admitted after a while, making Gwaine sit up straight.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, to the druids I'm called Emrys. I am destined to restore magic to Albion. It is said I am the most powerful warlock to have ever lived. Yet here you are, with magic equal to mine."

"Maybe to universe didn't want you to face your destiny alone. I have always felt I was missing something." Gwaine mentally facepalmed at how cheesy he sounded. but his smile never faltered.

"Maybe." Merlin whispered, getting lost on Gwaine's hazel eyes. Flecks of gold could still be seen swirling around the light brown irises, glimmering in the light late morning sun.

Without realising the two became very closer, faces inches apart. Merlin's eyes darted to Gwaine's lips, his own pupils becoming dilated with lust.

Gwaine didn't wait for Merlin to make the first move. He propelled himself forward, closing the gap and claiming Merlin's lips as his own. Merlin hummed in pleasure, reveling in the feeling.

Merlin had wanted this for so long and for it to be finally happening made his heart swell. They were made for each other, in more ways than one. Soulmates literally written in the stars.

The kiss lasted all of two minutes, but was still filled with so much love and passion. No more words needed to be said. Merlin curled into Gwaine's side, the knight wrapping a firm hand around his warlock.

He knew in that moment nothing would ever happen to him as long as Merlin was by his side.

Not my best writing but I hope you still enjoyed (•‿•)

Merlin One-Shots!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon