Shadow Oracle #2

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I forgot to include my inspo for Merlin. Look past he fact that this fanart is technically of Jshlatt, this is the vibe I was going for.

Anyway here is part 2




"How the hell did Merlin know before us?" Arthur yelled as his Knights ran around preparing for a counter attack. Just as Merlin had feared Saxons had attacked the outer regions. Rumours were spreading that they were being funded by Cenred and led by Morgana. Two of Camelot's worst enemies working together. Great!

"I told you Princess he is a God. He could probably sense the magic being used by Morgana." Gwaine yelled back, struggling with his armour. Merlin went to help him, oddly calm despite the threat of a war but Gwaine brushed him away.
"And before you say, no it wasn't willingly. It's like a sixth sense. So you don't have to figure out how to imprison a god just yet."

With that he picked up his sword and stormed out of the armoury, dozens of eyes watching him as he left. Merlin scrambled after him, casting hateful stares at anyone who had a bad word to say.

"What's gotten into him?" Percival asked, unaware of the conversation the king had had with Gwaine only minutes prior.

"Nothing. Gear up and meet me in the courtyard. We are going to bring the fight to Morgana."


The tension was high as the Camelotians made their way through the forest. Gwaine wanted to believe it was the upcoming war that put them on edge, but he knew in reality it was the fact they had sorcerers in their midst.

He tried his best to ignore the stares and hateful mutterings but it was hard. Especially as he had considered these people friends mere hours ago. Now they would rather kill him. Typical! The moment Gwaine is finally happy with himself the world has a problem.

Merlin rode at his side offering sympathetic glances when an insult was particularly harsh. He didn't dare speak. He may be a god but he isn't stupid enough to take on an entire army alone. Of course the temptation to do just that was growing with every passing second.

"I don't understand why they are even here." I will give you one guess as to who said that.

"Seriously Killian, you're really asking that." Gwaine snapped, breaking his vow of silence for the first time since they left. He stopped his horse in the middle of the path and faced the knight.

"You're a sorcerer."

"Yeah well I was a knight before that. You know full well that I would put Camelot before myself no matter what. Why should my magic change that?"

"Because it corrupts. It's evil." Killian yelled as if that supplied all the answers. Gwaine sighed and clicked his tongue and his horse continued down the path.

Merlin however was frozen to the spot.

"Who told you that?" He whispered, too shocked to raise his voice despite the considerable amounts of rage in his system.
"Magic doesn't corrupt. It isn't evil. Your world is held together by the magic I put into it. Without magic you would have no crops, no rain, no sun. Magic is life and you will do well to remember that."

"Oh how could I forget. You are a ‘god’. I’m terribly sorry to offend you, your liege.” Killian’s voice was dripping with false understanding that made Merlin’s blood boil. How close he was to just pulling him off that horse and-

“That is enough Sir Killian. Remember your place.” That was the end of that. Arthur shut down both parties before they could do something they would regret.

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