The monster in a cage

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Adapted version of The lady of the lake.

This is freylin, I am trying to change up the ships a bit. I will get back to Merthur soon though.

It's another long one...5K words


Merlin and Gaius left the inn and made their way back to the castle. On their way they found a huge cage mounted to a cart, the rider nowhere to be seen. Curiosity peaked, Merlin approached the bars only for a young girl to launched forward. Her hands were bound to the metal, creating huge red scars across her wrists. Merlin stifled a gasp at the poor girl's appearance and turned to his mentor.

"She has fallen prisoner to a bounty hunter. Uther pays a heavy price for those with magic. Poor girl."

"We have to help her." Merlin whispered, moving closer to the cage. The girls eyes widened with relief, only for it to be scattered by Gaius.

"There is nothing we can do. Bounty hunters are ruthless people, Merlin." Merlin rounded on his mentor with fury in his eyes.

"Are you saying we do nothing!"

"That is all we can do. Come now." Merlin risked one last look at the girl before scampering after Gaius.

Nothing about the situation sat right with him. How could he leave her to die when there is a chance to save her?

His mind made up he settled to wait until Gaius was asleep to act.


Under the cover of darkness Merlin crept through the streets in search of the cage. Luckily it was exactly where it was but an hour ago. Merlin rushed to the door, bursting the lock with his magic as he did so.

The girl huddled into the corner of the cage, gripping on to the bars for dear life.

"It's okay. I'm here to get you to safety. Follow me." The girl hesitated for all of a second before jumping out and running after the servant. They hid behind the carriage just as a large bounty hunter with chains decorating his person sauntered out the tavern.

He approached the carriage with a viscous sneer, ready to faint his prisoner. It was quickly wiped clean as he realised the cage was in fact empty. He looked around frantically and caught sight of two figures running around a corner.


Merlin lead the girl into an abandoned area of the castle, falling into disrepair but safe enough for now. The girl hid herself in an alcove instantly curling into herself as if she wanted to dissappear. Merlin caught sight of her shivering so made to give her his jacket, but she flinched so harshly it scared both of them.

"Sorry. Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." Merlin apologized, holding out the jacket. "I thought you might be cold."

Freya hesitantly took the jacket and wrapped it around herself. She look d up through her eyelashes and bit her lip.

"Why did you do that?"

"What?" Merlin questioned, cocking his head like a puppy.

"Help me?"

"Well, I saw you could've been me in that cage. You'll be safe down here. I'll come back in the morning with some food and candles. Will you be alright till then?" Freya nods and Merlin shoots her a warm smile. "I'm Merlin by the way."


"Well I'll see you in the morning Freya." The girl's expression faultered slightly but Merlin thought little of it. He waved her goodbye and headed of home, unable to wipe his smile from his face.

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