Another one?

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Here is a long overdue fic that consists of: good!Mordred, good!Morgana, King Arthur (meaning dead Uther which is always a bonus!) and Merlin's little sister.


A young girl with braided black hair stumbles through the streets of Camelot, utterly captivated by the hustle and bustle of city life. The people of the lower town cast judgemental looks her way as she passed, of which she was completely none the wiser. To put it simply, the townsfolk thought her odd. With her she carried a wicker basket containing wildflowers, a water skin and a small leather pouch, something typical of Lady. Yet strapped to her back was a quiver of arrows, accompanied by the most beautifully crafted bow one has ever seen. Woven into her braid was a pheasant feather which was remarkably striking against the deep ebony locks. Around her wrist was a leather band held together by a single piece of twine. The lilac fabric with tiny lilies embroidered into the yolk was far from fashionable. Even so her beauty was equal to that of Lady Morgana.

The townsfolk's judgement quickly turned into gossip. Soon the entirety of the lower town was talking about the mysterious girl. The girl had stopped at a market stall, scouring for anything her measly allowance could afford. When she could find nothing she resolved to head to the castle in search of the only tie to the city she has.

Turns out she didn't need to. As she turned to leave she slammed into a tall, rather lanky body. Both went tumbling to the ground, scattering the girl's belongings all over the floor.

"Seriously! Watch where you're-" The girl looked up only to find the completely dumbstruck face of her brother staring back.


"Merlin!" The two launched themselves into a tight embrace, laughing joyfully.

"Why are you here? I thought you had decided to stay in Ealdor." Merlin exclaimed, breaking apart and immediately starting to gather his sister's belongings.

"Oh you know, it got boring. I thought I would see what trouble my big brother had gotten himself into in the big city." Merlin rolled his eyes, handing the wicker basket back to Ellie. She took it and hoisted herself back on her feet. 

"Well I'll show you around when I can. I'm afraid I have to go though, Arthur will lose his mind if I am late again."

"Ah yes, my brother the servant. Of all the things a man of your talents could become." Ellie said with a sickly sweet smile. Merlin shot her a warning glance and started of towards the castle, not even looking to see if his sister was following. Smirking Ellie scrambled after him, not wanting to lose her way.

Once they had reached the gates, Merlin directed her to Gaius' chambers. They parted with a playful shove, ensuring they would catch up properly later that day. Ellie navigated her way down the twisting corridors. However the staircase Merlin mentioned never came into view.

"Damn it where is that bloody staircase." Ellie muttered to herself, rounding the corner only to find herself in a very fancy corridor. Definitely not right.

"Excuse me, can I help you?" Ellie near enough jumped out of her skin. She whipped around to see a young knight with brown curled hair that flopped in front of his eyes. His crystal eyes radiated such kindness that Ellie couldn't help but smile.

"I seem to have lost my way. I was told to go to the physician's chambers, but I think I took a wrong turn." The knight laughed much to Ellies dislike. She pouted and crossed her arms, glaring at him until his laughter ceased.

"I'm sorry it's just Gaius' chambers are four floors up on the other side of the castle. Whoever gave you directions sent you in the completely wrong way." Ellie pinched the bridge of her nose silently cursing her brother. 

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