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Behind his jokey exterior, a sensitive man desperate to please sits whispering into his subconscious.

People think his jokes and endless stories are meant to cheer others up, which to some extent is true. But deep down they are there to make him feel useful, needed.

Compared to the other Knights, he is the least worthy to be sat at the round table. In his eyes at least.

Obviously the others do not share this view. Not that Gwaine would listen to them anyway. Once a thought has taken root in your mind it is very difficult to remove.

In Gwaine's case it was more than just roots, but a whole damn tree.

It was at training when Gwaine could let out his pent up self loathing and pass it of as energy. No one questions it. No one sees behind his bubbly personality.

Merlin isn't no one.

Merlin sees through it all.

He sees because it's like looking in a mirror. Smiles to hide pain and longing. Jokes to smother internal screams. He understands it all.

So after a late training session, Merlin approached him ready to help Gwaine unload his heavy burden.

"Gwaine, are you alright. You seemed to be extremely angry at that dummy." He says light-heartedly, trying to coax a laugh or a smile.

He received a weak grunt that somewhat resembled a laugh. It's a start.

"I'm fine." Gwaine muttered sounding far from fine.

"You're not. I can tell."

"How? How could you possibly tell? You are the last person to understand what I am going through. Everyone loves you, you don't have to worry about not belonging or letting people down. I shouldn't be here, and any day Arthur will realize that and send me on my way." Gwaine snapped, face turning red as he lets out all his frustration on his closest friend.

Merlin was taken back, although he did expect an outburst of sorts.

He thinks he doesn't belong?

"I understand completely. I am a servant, and not a very good one at that. I am constantly trying to stay on everyone's good side, whilst also trying to please everyone. Those two don't always work hand in hand." Merlin says, sitting next to the knight.

Gwaine nods suddenly guilty for yelling. Merlin contemplates spilling his deepest secret, to prove he truly knows how Gwaine feels.

Gwaine sensed the hesitation and cocked his head at the servant. "Your holding back. You can tell me Merlin, I promise not to tell a soul."

"I thought I was the one cheering you up." Merlin joked with a weak smile. It was met with a stern gaze and an eyebrow raise similar to Gaius' infamous ones.

Merlin sighed admitting defeat. "Okay fine. But you must not tell anyone or I don't know what will happen." Merlin said. He paused for a second before a smirk tugged at his lips. "I think it's better if I show you."

Without any further explanation, Merlin cupped his hands and whispered a spell in the ancient dialect. His eyes glowed gold and a soft blue light seeped through his hands. Upon opening them a baby blue butterfly fluttered out and rested on Gwaine's nose, making Merlin giggle.

The knight had an expression of pure joy on his face at the sight of the insect. To say Merlin was surprised by what happened next was an understatement.

Gwaine followed Merlin's motion of cupping his hands and whispered the same incantation. A bright yellow butterfly flew from his palms landing on Merlin's arm.

"I guess we understand each other better than we first thought." Gwaine said.

"I guess we do." Merlin whispered, gazing between the butterfly and Gwaine.

I do ship these two together, so there may be Merwaine content in the future. For now enjoy MAGIC GWAINE!

my magic boisss

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