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This has nothing to do with this story but how many people would like me to do a dark merlin story. Coz I kinda like the idea of dark merlin.

Anyway. On with the story!!
Something unexpected will happen in this one...I will explain it more at the end!


Everything happened so fast. An unexpected attack from a group of mercenaries tenfold the size of our group.

Arthur being the noble idiot he is took on five of them, not that it thinned out the numbers or anything. He was just about to run one through when, out the corner of my eye, I saw a dagger being thrown at Arthur's head.

"ARTHUR LOOK OUT!" I screamed. He turned just in time to see the dagger. Then a look of fear spread across his face.

The battle ceased. Everyone looking at me with a murderous glint in their eyes. Friend and foe alike.

Gazes were shifted from me to the dagger, suspended mid air only inches from Arthur's face.

"You have magic." Arthur's venomous tone was like a poison arrow to my heart. In that split second I could think nothing else than run run run.

So that's what I did.

Luckily I was on the outskirts of the battle. I enchanted my boots to make me run faster into the thickening forest.

The bandits had fled in terror, but the Camelot Knights followed me. Threats and shouts of betrayal rang out, making my heart shatter.

How could I be so wreckless? I shouldn't have alerted him. If I kept my big mouth shut I wouldn't have been found out.

Despite my enhanced speed the sound of footsteps were getting closer. In a matter of minutes Arthur will have caught me.

"There is nowhere to run, Merlin. Give yourself up." Panic builds. I feel my magic thrumming against my skull, my back pulsing in anticipation. I know what I need to do. But I can't betray him further. I just can't.

A hand grabs my wrist and pulls me back with such a force that I crumble to the ground. A crack in my shoulder draws a strangled scream from my throat. Arthur looms above me glaring at me with stormy eyes.

His hand goes to the hilt of his sword and before I realise I am surrounded by thick black feathers.

Shit. If he didn't hate me before, he sure does now.

I risk glancing up at him through my wings to see a face of pure disgust.

"What are you?" He demands, voice laced with betrayal.


"What. Are. You." The venom in his voice burnt a hole through my heart. I felt compelled to reply, to tell him nothing but the truth.

"I am the last dragon lord and the most powerful warlock in existence. I mean you no harm Arthur. I never have. Please let me go. Please let me leave." My body wracks with sobs as I force the last few words out.

Arthur's face flickers with sympathy. The storm lulls and regrets floods the beautiful blue of his eyes. But it is there for no more than a second. Thunder claps once more and he is right back to the undeniable hatred. He draws Excalibur and points it towards me.

I let instinct take over. My wings bat the sword away, making in land tip first in the mud. Whilst Arthur stares in shock I take this opportunity to run, heading for a clearin, a break in the trees, anything that will allow me to get above the forest.

I don't get far.

A ripping sensation draws another scream. I turn back to see a large gash in my left wing, deep enough to see the splinters of bone. The black iridescent feathers are coated in blood.

Arthur is stood a little way behind me seething in anger. "You're not going anywhere." He murmurs.

My knees buckle and I fall to the floor. This isn't how this should end. I am supposed to help Arthur unite the lands of Albion. I am not supposed to drive him away. Make him hate the very thing I am destined to restore.

My thoughts are broken off by Arthur's harshly spoken words. "Explain yourself and I might let you go."

"I- I am a warlock, born of magic. I never chose to be like this. My father was a dragonlord, hence this hideous things," I gesture to my wings which I have subconsciously wrapped around my torso. "I was destined to help you restore magic to the lands of Albion. Our fate has been intertwined since the very beginning of time. But I have messed everything up. I am sorry Arthur. I am so sorry for lying to you. I wanted to tell you, truly I did. I just couldn't risk jeopardizing the future you were to make."

I feel numb. Sobs wrack through my body, shaking me uncontrollably. My knees are drawn up to my chest.

Arthur's furious glare seems to soften as he bends down to my level. "We should get you to Gaius. That looks bad." He says gesturing to my broken wing.

"Your, your letting me come home?" I say utterly bewildered.

"I can see that you are truly sorry. I cannot forgive you, at least not yet. But I am willing to let you stay in Camelot."

Fresh tears spring to my eyes. "Thank you, sire. Thank you."

He hesitantly helps me up and walks me back to the Knights. They looks at me with a mix of fear, betrayal and disgust. All except Gwaine and Lancelot as they already knew my secret. I meet their eyes and all I find is love and acceptance.

"Sit." Arthur commands. I oblige not wanting to anger anyone further. Night is fast approaching. I am given a bed roll furthest away from the fire, meaning further away from the Knights.

Once I am sure everyone is asleep, I whisper a sincer "sorry." Before fledding into the woods.

Never again will I return to Camelot. I have failed my destiny.


So I wrote this with the idea that Dragonlord have wings. They have them from the age of around eight or nine.

I was feeling pretty down today so this is a kinda sad/angsty fic. But I still like it!

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