Something domestic

951 38 51

This is a request by furyistheriver I really hope you like it. The prompt is above

Thank you all for 56K this is absolutely insane!!!!




Arthur had returned. There was no spectacle, no magical display to reintroduce him on earth. He just simply came to be. He awoke at the bank of a river branching off from the lake in which he had slept for an eternity.
His armour had been stripped from him, replaced with modern attire. Arthur pulled at the drawstrings of his hoodie in confusion. 'I certainly wasn't wearing this when I fell asleep.'

Ah. That's another thing I should address. It would appear Arthur had no recollection of him...well dying. In fact he spent two hours shouting Merlin's name, or any knight really in hopes this was some sick joke. When he stumbled upon the tarmacked carpark at the edge of the forest he knew something was wrong. Metal contraptions growled at him, huge poles with yellow orbs of light shone down on him. His first thought was sorcery and on instinct he reached for his sword.

Which he no longer had. That was still dwelling in the bottom of Avalon waiting for the right time to come.

The next logical thought was to run. And he did. He ran like his life was in danger, as if every new thing was out to kill him. He felt unprotected, weak and alone. Afraid. So when a kindly stranger approached him on the street, face dripping with concern Arthur had to fight back tears.

"Are you okay sir? Do you need me to call anyone."
'Call someone? What use would that be there is no one around for miles.' Arthur groaned as he studied the person who must be an incompetent fool.

"I'm fine. By any chance would you know where Camelot is?" The stranger laughed as if Arthur had told him the funniest joke known to man. Upon realising he was deadly serious the man raised his eyebrow and inched away.

"Camelot? Um, no." He spoke the way one would speak to a child; careful and slow. "But there is the King Arthur's Arms Inn in the next village over. I could walk you there if you like."

The man pointed over his shoulder and Arthur followed his gaze down the road. A tiny village sat in the distance nestled between the rolling hills of the courtyside. The sight settled one worry and sparked a whole new set. The name of the inn barely even registered with him.

"That would be greatly appreciated."

The young man had taken pity on Arthur and when they arrived at the Inn he brought him a large meal. Not realising how hungry he actually was Arthur wolfed it down casting aside any royal manners he was brought up with.

They sat in silence, nothing but the faint him of the TV across the pub filling the tension between them. There was obvious distrust on the strangers end whereas Arthur's head was spinning with questions. Where was he? Was he dead? Is this some sort of after life? Or had he been enchanted, forced to see some illusion? A mere fabrication of reality.
Then again if it was an illusion then how was he able to eat. This food seemed real enough, and oddly delicious.

"So what's your name mate?" The young man asked after taking a long swig of beer. I suppose alcohol would be the best way to deal with this scenario all things considered.

"Arthur Pendragon." Arthur mentally slapped himself. So much for not mentioning royalty. Well the man was looking at him as if he had grown another head so maybe there was a slim chance that he wouldn't believe him.

"Yeah yeah, and I'm the Queen of England. Really though what's your name. And what the hell where you doing on the side of the road?"

Quick Arthur think on your feet. You are usually so good at lying out of- "Ha, you got me. No my name is William." What is it with you and the name William. Honestly do you have no original ideas.

Merlin One-Shots!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin