Heart of a dragon #3

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Final part!
There are parts to this that definitely would not have happened but just roll with my fanfiction logic!


"Arthur?" Said blonde propped himself up in bed and gazed down at the Warlock wrapped around his waist.

"Yes Merlin?"

"Do you miss Camelot?" Arthur paused letting his mind drift to his days back in Camelot. He struggled to remember the good. The only memories that came to mind was his abusive father and the ocean of responsibilities not teen should have to bare.

"I don't think I do to be quite honest. I will be happy to go back and see my father's rule end, but it doesn't feel like home anymore."

Merlin nodded and let his head fall back onto Arthur's chest. He was quickly asleep, soothed by the gentle breaths of his partner. Arthur however couldn't sleep a wink.

When dawn came the circles under the Prince's eyes were evident, so much so that Merlin used a glamour spell to cover then up. Under Arthur's wishes of course.

"Arthur did you sleep at all last night?" Arthur shook his head, regretting that decision instantly as a shroud of dizziness came upon him.

"You could have woken me you know." Merlin said, intertwining their hands and leading him over to the large table at the epicenter of the camp. It was covered in various breads, fruits and meat, that the couple scoffed down in record time.

Once they had consumed half the food they went to prepare for the journey ahead. It would take no more than two days to reach Camelot. They were given horses and enough supplies to last them the journey.

"I wish you well, stay safe." Aglain declared as the couple mounted their horses in full armour. Arthur had long ago dismissed the Pendragon crest, instead adopting the symbol of the druids which he wore with pride.

"We will Aglain." Merlin confirmed. With a click of his tongue his horse ran of into the forest, Arthur close behind.

-- le time skip to when they reach Camelot's gate because I am lazy af --

Huge white walls loomed above the couple as the rode through the gates of the citadel. Villagers stared in shock as a man who looked strangely familiar rode through the streets next to a winged sorcerer.

Guards flanked them before they could even reach the courtyard, pretty impressive for such a lousy guard.

At their head was Uther, stone faced with eyes full of fire. Arthur matched his stoic expression, not even bothering to dismount his horse. He unclasped his gauntlet and threw it at the king's feet.

"We challenge you, Uther Pendragon for the throne of Camelot."

Uther's expression twisted into that of utter fury. "Who are you to challenge me?"

"I'm surprised you don't recognise me." Arthur spat jumping of the horse whilst staring down the man.

"It can't be." Uther whispered to himself, staring at the man who used to be his son. "You joined one of them! How could you disgrace the Pendragon name?"

"My name is Arthur Ambrosius. Do not associate my name with yours. That's the true disgrace."

It took Uther a second to figure out what was going on, which frustrated Merlin immensely. He batted his wings and flew to Arthur's side, grasping his hand to bring Uther up to speed.

"Do you accept the challenge." Arthur shouted, clearly frustrated but trying desperately to reign it in.

"You have been gone for five years. Arthur I thought you were dead." Uther yelled back. Arthur rolled his eyes and scoffed, kicking the gauntlet closer to the king.

"Do. You. Accept."

Uther took one look at the terrifying expression on his sons face and picked up the metal glove.

"I accept."

The courtyard fell silent. No one moved in fear of angering either royal any further. Arthur locked eyes with his 'father' and let's just say if looks could kill Uther would be in the fiery depths of hell.

Merlin cleared his throat drawing Uther's attention. The king sneered at Merlin, to which he rolled his eyes and tugged on Arthur's arm.

"Since we are now your guests I suggest you show us to our room." Merlin's tone was low and authoritative something Uther would never be able to achieve. One look at the guards and they parted our of fear...or respect. It's hard to tell the difference sometimes.

Merlin walked through the makeshift aisle practically dragging his prince behind him. Once inside the castle, Arthur let out a breath and headed in the direction of his room.

No one dared stop them. They radiated a power beyond comprehension, something that sent Knights and servants alike running.

Arthur found his way to his old room and had to bite back tears. Five years since he had stepped foot in this castle, his childhood home. Under different circumstances he would have enjoyed this moment. But seeing his room, untouched for years, just brings the reality of what's to come crashing down on him. The following morning he was to face his father in a fight to the death. A fight for his kingdom and freedom for his people.

"I am going to kill him Merlin. My own father will die at my hand." There was a tone of surprise as if he hadn't registered this before hand.

"It's okay Arthur. We will be fine." Merlin cooed, locking the door to prevent angry intruders. Merlin helped Arthur our of his armour, laying it carefully on the table before pulling him to the bed. Merlin tried to hide his glee at the softness of the mattress.

"How do you know?" Arthur whispered, curling into his husband's side.

"Because you are the bravest, most headstrong person I have ever known. If anyone could get through this it is you. That man stopped being your father the minute you decided to leave Camelot for good. Deep down you know that to."

Arthur nodded, his golden curls tickling Merlin's chest. For the first time in three days Arthur slept soundly managing to forget for the briefest moment the upcoming battle.

-- another time skip. I don't wanna drag this out much longer so I am going to skip straight to the start of the challenge. I know two against one isn't fair but hey it's Uther, he deserves death --

Merlin and Arthur circled the king, who was shaking slightly. Merlin had to bite back a laugh at how pathetic Uther looked.

Arthur took the first blow which was blocked by the older man, sending Excalibur flying from his grasp.

The crowd cheered at the small victory only to turn silent when the warlock launched forward cutting deep into Uther's side.

He reeled back in pain, giving Arthur enough time to compose himself. The blonde looked to his husband who's eyes were burning gold.

A clap of thunder startled the crowd but Arthur was unfazed. He continued to lunge at the weakened man, blow become harder and harder for the king to block.

A final blow sent Uther crumbling to the floor with a piercing cry. Merlin stepped back sheathing his sword giving Arthur the honors.

"Arthur please." Uther croaked out, drops of blood apparent on his lips. Arthur felt numb as he tore his eyes of his father. He raised his sword, heart rate increasing the higher the sword went.

As he exhaled he tried not to focus on the glinting blade piercing through flesh. Or the cries from the crowd. Or the comforting hand resting on his shoulder.

He wept silent tears for the man that never truly loved him but he couldn't help but love in return. He will never get the chance to apologise.

In Uther's death Albion was born.

I feel like I need to write a couple of good Uther fics, Arthur deserves a proper Father.

I hope you liked this mini series, I certainly enjoyed writing not :)

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