My King, my destiny

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Ok so this picture is fricking everything and I have so many ideas.

This fic is a magic reveal au, so brace yourself.


Merlin rode behind the group, not wanting to watch the hunting taking place. It never quite sat right with him, killing animals for sport. Of course come nightfall they would have to eat some of it, but half of it would most likely go to waste.

"You alright back there Merlin, you're unusually quiet." Arthur quipped from the front of the line. Merlin scoffed and looked up.

"I'm thinking, you should try it some time." The knights laughed as Arthur turned back around, grumbling to himself.

Rustling in the brush ahead sent the group into high alert. Arthur reached for his crossbow and aimed it at the noise. His finger hovered over the trigger dangerously.

Merlin had to look away, not wanting to witness another innocent animal's death. Had he looked forward he would have seen the arrow fly from the brush. Maybe it wouldn't have lodged itself into the king's shoulder, knocking him from his horse.

"Bandits!" Gwaine yelled, running to Arthur's side and unsheathing his sword. Merlin reached out with his magic to determine the size of the party. To his dismay they were completely surrounded by more than twenty men.

They swarmed them in unison, giving them just enough time to dismount their horses.

"Merlin look out!" Lancelot shouted, throwing Merlin a spare dagger. He caught it gracefully and slashed at the legs of an on coming attacker.

The Knights were to busy to see this burst of strength, which surprised Merlin greatly. Pushing back his shock he ran to Arthur and knelt down beside him. His magic tugged at the back of his mind, trying desperately to warn him of the evil present. But Merlin was too focused on Arthur, slipping in and out of consciousness with blood oozing from his shoulder.

"You're gonna be okay Arthur." Merlin whispered, chanting a silent spell that would stop the bleeding and slowly stitch together the wound. Beyond furious, Merlin looked up and came face to face with golden eyes.


Of course she would have something to do with this. These men are too well trained to be bandits.

"Well well well. How cute! A pathetic serving boy protecting his beloved king." Morgause sniped. Her men had successfully tied up the Knights, making sure they had a perfect view of the scene unfolding.

"Protecting him is my destiny. You won't get to him without a fight."

Morgause cackled, throwing her head back with manic glee. "You really think you can defeat me. None matches my skill. My power."

"Oh but there is someone. You know full well who that is." Merlin growled deeply, unable to contain his fury anymore.

A flicker of fear dashed across the witches face, before breaking out into a smirk.

"Well I certainly didn't expect to run into you, Emrys. I have to say your pathetic disguise is very well crafted."

"What is she talking about Merlin?" Arthur slurred, waking up due to the fast effects of the spell.

"Why don't you tell him Emrys." Morgause teased. Arthur's face twisted into one of realisation then slight betrayal.

"You're Emrys." He whispered. Merlin felt close to tears. He ripped his gaze of Arthur and faced Morgause once again.

"I have had enough of your games Morgause. You come into my Kingdom and hurt the people I love, just to get to me? You are too much of a coward to face me yourself." Merlin's voice shook with anger, his eyes glowing gold. Morgause took a step back to ground herself, but her evil smirk remained on her smug face.

She rose her arms and began chanting a spell, but Merlin beat her too it. In a burst of raw, untamed power, Merlin slammed his fist on the ground and sent a shock wave so powerful it sent Morgause flying. The battle was over before it had begun as a sickening crack echoed around the clearing.

The witches men exchanged fearful glances and bolted from the scene, allowing Merlin to untie the Knights with a flick of his wrist.

Arthur was fully awake now, staring at Merlin with curiosity. Merlin felt like crawling into a hole and never coming out.

Arthur knew. He knew he had magic and now he was going to die.

"Merlin?" Arthur said softly, reaching out to wipe away a stray tear from the Warlock's cheek.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for lying to you. I betrayed you and I am a horrible person." Merlin wept, wringing his hands together in disgust. Arthur shuffled over, ignoring the faint pain sparking in his shoulder and embraced the boy.

"It's okay. I'm not mad, how could I be? You saved me and defeated Morgause in the process." Arthur continued to hug the boy until his tears were no more than sniffles.

Merlin lifted his head and looked into Arthur's clear blue eyes.

"So this means I won't be killed?"

"No of course not." Arthur said with a warm smile. The Knights stood to the side, awkwardly watching the two.

Well most of them were. Gwaine and Lancelot were squealing like teenage girls.

"Let's go home. I think we have had enough excitement for today." Arthur said, hauling Merlin of the floor.

"I think we should stop going hunting it only ever ends in disaster." Merlin complains with humour in his voice. The Knights laughed at this extremely true statement and headed back for Camelot.

From that day on sorcery was welcome in Camelot. All thanks to the selfless actions of a scared, slightly pissed of, servant who's duty was to protect the prattish king of Camelot.

Badass Merlin is life, period!

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