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The news of magic being legalized in Camelot spread throughout the five kingdoms very quickly. In all the excitement something happened that the young warlock would never have expected.




“My name is Emrys, my lord, and I have spent years watching over you from the shadows. The druids believe now is the time to reveal myself. I have come to pledge allegiance to the crown.”

Merlin scoffed at the sorcerer knelt before his king, earning many incredulous looks from attendants. Arthur looked at him as if he had grown another head, not being able to fathom why this idiot of a servant would scoff at a sorcerer. Not that Merlin cared in the slightest. He was fuming at the fact that his well earned name was being dragged through the mud.

Arthur broke out of his stupor and glared at the man before him. “Why should I believe a word you say?” He sneered, eyeing his servant out the corner of his eye who had balled his fists and was shaking visibly.

“Because it is my destiny to serve you, sire. I am the most powerful sorcerer to have ever walked the earth and-”


The hall fell silent as Merlin pushed himself off the wall and stalked towards the fraud. Said fraud paled slightly but kept his arrogant facade.

“What did you say, boy?” The sorcerer spat. Merlin's gaze hardened but his face was as relaxed as ever.

"Honestly if you are going to pretend to be Emrys at least learn the legend correctly. It's warlock, not sorcerer. Emrys was born with magic, he did not learn it."

"What do you know." Anyone could tell the sorcerer was suddenly terrified. Arthur almost laughed at the thought that Merlin, Merlin, scared a man of such power. That is if he really was who he said he was.

"I know that the druids did not send you, that you do not possess the power Emrys holds and that you have in fact never stepped foot in Camelot before. Pretty useless bodyguard you would make."

The sorcerer was struck to silence, opening and closing his mouth as the words to explain escaped him.

"Merlin what on earth are you going on about." Arthur exclaimed, watching the exchange with confusion and hidden amusement.

"This man is a fraud. He is not the Emrys of legend. In fact he isn't even remotely close to Emrys' power." Merlin's stare bore into the man who was cowering at the anger portrayed on his face. Cowering.

"Do tell Merlin how you know?" Arthur would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying this.

"Because I am Emrys." Arthur's smile dropped completely. The sorcerer at his feet jerked his head up looking utterly horrified.

Before Arthur could get a word out, Merlin's eyes flashed gold and Arthur's gauntlet was pulled off his hand. Merlin caught it and threw it at the imposter's feet, not caring that it hit his shins. The knights stared in both shock and amusement as the carefree Merlin became more and more enraged by this man.

Arthur could barely contain his emotions, not all of which were negative. In fact he was feeling such pride that Merlin, his Merlin could put up such a fight. That he would risk so much to defend his honour, his title. Although betrayal simmered beneath his skin. The ban on magic had been lifted and yet Merlin still kept his gift a secret. Why?

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