In over his head

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Sorry for the lack of updates school has been really busy lately.

Merlin ran down the dungeon steps clutching a torch and shaking profusely. A plethora of questions raced through his mind. He burst into the cave yelling for the cryptic beast that needs to start answering his questions.

"Killgarah!" Merlin roared his voice cracking with power. The magnificent beast swooped down from his ledge and landed on the enormous rock in the centre of the cave.

"Ah young warlock. I take it you have come for answers."

"You think! Care to explain why I am still alive after being fucking impaled? I know you know so just say it, enough of your evasive bullshit."

"Now now calm yourself or I will simply fly away."


"You, young warlock, are immortal." The cave became so silent you could hear the stream trickling hundreds of meters below. Merlin felt ready to collapse.

"I'm what...?"

"Immortal. The prophecy states that you were put on this earth for one purpose, to restore magic to Albion. Until that has been fulfilled you will not die. The universe simply will not allow it."

Merlin couldn't find the words to reply. He shifted his gaze to the red gash on his chest that was being laced together by golden thread of magic. There was no blood. No pain. Just the ever shrinking cut that is now more like a graze. It's hard to believe that no more than an hour ago he was lying in the forest with a dagger lodged in his heart.

A nervous giggle escaped his lips and he looked up to see Killgarah smirking at him.

"Do what you will with this information. Truth be told you were never supposed to know about this."

"What! Why?" Merlin scoffed, folding his arms across his phantom wound.

"Well knowing this could have influenced a future in which Arthur takes decades to reintroduce magic to Camelot. But there are still many decisions left for you to make that will change the path you are on."

"If anything this takes a stress of my shoulders because now-"

"If you say you won't have to worry about yourself I will be very tempted to test this theory. You are not to disregard your own safety. You are immortal not invincible."

Merlin was left speechless, mouth hanging open in shock. He couldn't help but feel slightly touched that the dragon cared, even if he didn't say it directly.

"I- I won't. I promise. I should probably head back to the forest, Arthur will be looking for me." The dragon nods his head and Merlin heads back up the stairs feeling lighter.

'Well that's one less thing for me to worry about.' He thinks as he makes his way back into the forest, feigning a link in case he was found.


Now you would think after the infamously cryptic Great Dragon gives you very straightforward advice, the recipient would listen.

Not Merlin.

Despite the warning not to be reckless, Merlin couldn't help but test his new ability. It started with small things, like discretely taking arrows during battles (pulling them out before the oblivious Knights could notice and carrying on as if nothing had happened). But it quickly escalated to drinking what was quite obviously poison for Arthur twice. Throwing himself in front of a Griffin. The list is quite extensive.

It seems his utter disregard for his own safety was enhanced to a dangerous level. He was treading on thin ice and sooner or later it will crack, clawing him into the chilling depths below. Not that he cared, because he is Merlin. The boy who puts everyone, even those that would hate him for his magic, before himself. Worrying doesn't begin to cut it.

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