Coffee dates

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Modern fluff coz I have had a bad day and need some cute Merthur shit. This is gonna be super short btw sorry


Merlin blushed behind the huge coffee mug, taking small sips of the hot liquid to calm his raging nerves.

Across from him sat a gorgeous blonde haired man with sky blue eyes. They had been together for two months, yet his nerves still ate away at his stomach, making it flip like crazy whenever they were together.

"Your cute when you blush." Arthur stated, resting his chin on his hands, gazing lovingly at the ebony haired boy in front of him.

"Oh yeah?" Merlin questioned with a smirk, placing his mug back on the table.

"Mmm." Arthur hums, nodding his head. A goofy smile tugs at both mens lips. Merlin reached across the table and took Arthur's hands in his own. They were cold and calloused, but still soft.

They stayed like that for a while, until Merlin decided to take a sip of his coffee. Arthur let out an involuntary whine at the lack of contact, his hands feeling ten times colder than before.

Merlin chuckled to himself, setting his gaze on his coffee. Arthur pouted crossing his arms in childish protest.

"Am I not allowed to have some coffee." Merlin teased, tapping his foot against Arthur's boot.

"I'm cold." Arthur huffed, glancing  at Merlin's hands then his deep blue eyes.

"You shouldn't have ordered an iced latte in the middle of winter then." Merlin giggled, unwrapping one hand from his mug and placing it back in the palms of Arthur.

Once they had finished their coffees, they wrapped back up in their winter gear and headed out of the cafe hand in hand.

Merlin leaned into Arthur's shoulder, listening to the satisfying crunch of snow underfoot. Arthur flicked his gaze down every so often, smiling at their intertwined hands.

It's moments like these that mad whim glad he plucked up the courage to ask Merlin out.

Short but sweet

Merlin One-Shots!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt