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TW: alludes to su1c1de and a su1c1de attempt, so if this triggers you please don't read. stay safe xx

This is probably really cliche but I am honestly so proud of how this turned out. "Bold" is Arthur singing and "Italics" is Merlin speaking - just so it doesn't get confusing.




A hunting trip is the perfect place for an ambush. Especially when the party had stopped in an open glade after an long morning's hunt, exhausted and exposed. The word must have been passed around across Camelot because no sooner than they had arrived, Arthur and his Knights were corned by a two dozen armed men.

The fight began quicker than the Camelotians would have liked. Armed with only their hunting gear the knights burst into action. The fight was at least three on one; because of this Merlin had been pushed out of harm's way by Arthur.

By no means did this mean he wasn't helping. Quite the opposite actually. His mind working a mile a minute, Merlin took every precaution to protect his King, disregarding the safety of himself and others in the process.

Branches fell around the battle field, trapping everyone in the glade. Shards of rock flew through the air slicing straight through the bandit's feeble armor. The bandits dropped like flies; the strategically placed wounds by Merlin leading the knights to believe they were the ones to take down their enemies.

It would seem Arthur was in no need of Merlin's assistance. Living up to the title of best swordsman in Camelot, Arthur had cut down five bandits and was now fighting a sixth. After minutes of grueling
He must have taken his eye of the fight for no more than a second when a deafening explosion rang out beside him.

Another sorcerer.

The blast sent Arthur flying into the center of the battle, hitting his head against a tree trunk. A faint trickle of blood laced its way down his forehead but overall the injury was insignificant. Arthur jumped back up only to find Merlin charging towards the sorcerer, his eyes a blazing gold.

Merlin sent a curse towards the sorcerer, knocking him back. Thick black vines sprouted from the forest floor, binding the sorcerer to the earth. The king was so stunned he could only stand and stare. Equally as shocked the sorcerer couldn't fathom a counter spell, rendering him useless in the soil.

Panting heavily Merlin risked a glance at Arthur a ghost of a smile on his lips.

"I bet you wished I stayed at home."

"I am so confused. " Was all Arthur could come up with, along with a huff of nervous laughter that broke any tension between them. Merlin approached carefully, well aware of the battle still raging around them.

"I should have told you."

"Now isn't the time. We can talk when we- Merlin move!" Arthur darted forward taking Merlin in his arms and spinning them. A bolt of green struck Arthur square in the shoulders and the two men tumbled to the floor.

Merlin struggled to break free from Arthur's grip but when he did he craved to be back in the safety of his arms. An alarming amount of blood was seeping through a gash in Arthur's armor. From this angle Merlin couldn't tell how deep the cut was or how much blood Arthur had lost.

He desperately felt around for a pulse and in his haste he found nothing. A deep cackle pierced his skull, bouncing around his head driving him absolutely crazy.

Merlin saw red. He yanked a hunting knife from a dead man's holster, throwing it so it struck the sorcerer in the leg rendering him motionless. Bandits and knights alike gaped in shock as Merlin grabbed the traitor by the neck and slammed him into a tree.

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