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(The reader is a heavy smoker and Asmodeus has grown to have a problem with it and convinces them to stop.)

(No one’s Pov) 

“Smoking again?” the demon asks, his head tilting to the side as he watches the smoke slip past the humans lips with a loud huff. 

“Of course, it helps with stress” they mutter, pressing the stick back to their lips, taking another huff at it, the burnt part of the cigarette falling into their lap. As the cigarette is gone, the human reaches their hand out to grab the box, but before they can Asmodeus snatches it from the table looking down at their sitting figure. Their eyes boring into the demon who stands there with an equally unimpressed look. 

“You’re not allowed to smoke anymore, we are going to clean this addiction off of you” the demon states, crossing his arms over his chest with a smug smirk. 

“What are you playing at?” they mutter, causing both of them to chuckle as the human once again tries to reach out for the box but is stopped when a hand is pressed to their shoulder. 

“Think of it as a benefit for both of us.” Asmodeus mutters, throwing the box into the trash can near both of them, the human growls under their breath and soon a cough leaves their lips. 
“How would it benefit you?” they mutter crossing their arms over their chest, cocking an eyebrow with a mocking manner as they look at the demon who seems to be taking none of their shit. 

“I could actually kiss you without gagging from the smell of the cigarette filling my lungs, you’ll also live longer, so more time for us, yay!” the demon states cheerfully pressing his hands together. He watches their mouth part as if they are about to speak, but Asmodeus pressed his hand to their mouth. “It will also help you to not be so grumpy all the time” 

“Are you saying I’m grumpy all the time?” they snap, from behind the demon's hand. Eyes narrowed as they realized he was right. 

“Not only that, we could have a better sex life” the demon sighs dreamily closing his eyes with a large smile on his lips. (Y/N) hits his shoulder with an embarrassed look on their face. 

“You have a lovely way of putting things” this causes Asmo to scoff, reaching forward and digging into their pocket pulling out another cigarette dropping it to the ground and stomping on it. They flinch watching more of their money going to waste. 

“Think of it, you’ll be saving hundreds of dollars a year, so march forward and get the rest of your boxes and throw them into this trash can” Asmo slaps his hand on top of the trash cans lid making them roll their eyes at him and his cheery attitude. 

“Yes mother.” they mutter turning around a chuckle leaving their lips as they hear Asmo scoff again. 

“Watch it.” he snaps and points a finger at the human. 

“Will we also be dealing with your alcohol addiction?” (Y/N) asks only making Asmo smile in victory 

“Already have that taken care of. You were too busy smoking to realize I’ve been sober for a month. There are no more drinks in the house” he states in a matter of fact tone with a smile still tightly on his lips. 

“Now you can get drunk off my love.” the human winks at the flirtatious demon, making him roll his eyes. 

“Not until you get rid of that smokers breath I won’t” he snaps pressing his finger against their shoulder making them laugh loudly 

“So spicy today.” they pause pressing their lips into a thin line as they look at Asmodeus. “I like it” 

“You won’t like it when I shove my foot up your ass if you don’t get moving” Asmo states, making their eyes widen holding their hands up with their eyes closed. 

“Ok, Ok no need to be violent here, demon boy” 

“Don’t call me that” asmo states pressing his hands to the humans back pushing them through the door and back into the house, shutting the door behind their back. “Go get them and throw them away!” 


“Yes now go, shoo” he raises his hand in a push away motion making them chuckle before walking deeper into the house. Asmo presses his hands to the table outside sitting in the chair, before he can lean back he feels arms wrap around his waist pulling him closer to another body. 

“Why don’t you come with me to make sure I do it?” they whisper, pressing a kiss to his hair; this makes him scowl as he smells the cigarettes on them. 

“You are a grown up (Y/N)” his voice is thin pulling the human closer stopping right in front of their lips but doesn't make any more effort to move closer. “You can kiss me when you stop smelling like that.” the demon moves away from them again, staring back out into the yard in front of them. 

“I’ll gladly stop smoking for you.” 

“Is that sarcasm?” 

“No, it isn't” 

“Ok, now go. Cigarette breath” 

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