Solomon❤(Tell You How I Feel)

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Solomon and the reader go out after they are on break from the exchange program, meeting the human realm by accident

(The Readers Pov)

The blue sky had begun to grow dull and boring, clouds littering the sky, causing patterns to form yet it would only be noticed by those who wanted to watch them intensely. My back rests against the bench as I close my eyes. The sun causes a tired feeling to wash over me. This place was different from what I had remembered, it was boring and too bright at times. It's amazing how much a year could change a person and what they are used to.

"(Y/N)?" a soothing voice speaks in an excited yet questioning tone as my name slips past their lips. One of my eyes is opened to see who spoke to me, a head of white hair, and pale skin sends a jolt of shock running through my body as I force myself up from the bench to stand in front of him. Solomon was dressed in something other than his casual clothing, the ones I had grown used to seeing him in. He was wearing a deep grey shirt with light black pants.

"Solomon, what are you doing here?" I sputter out, my hands hovering just over his face and hair to make sure he was really standing in front of me and I wasn't dreaming, but when his hand grabs my wrist, I know I'm not dreaming. That he is really standing in front of me.

"I just happened to be stopping by, I'm as shocked as you are to see we have met like this" he chuckles letting go of my wrist as it falls back down to my side. He was still as shady as ever, not really explaining anything he was thinking or doing. Which all the more made him more intriguing as a character.

"It's nice to see you again, truly Solomon," I say in a somewhat relieved tone as I let my shoulders fall and the shock wears off, a soft chuckle moves past his lips as he stares at me with a happy look.

"So you are happy to see me again?" he lets a smile come to his lips as his arms crossed over his chest.

"Is that such a surprise?" I question making him nod slightly, before he takes a deep breath, sliding his hand into mine before pulling me forward.

"Somewhat, we never did really get to know each other, but I think this is as good of a time as ever, don't you think?" he voices out pulling me after him as he leads me somewhere I don't know. I feel my heart flutter at his expression and his hand in mine, my face heating up.

"I guess you could say that, where are you taking me?" a mysterious smile falls to his face and he stops allowing me to be pulled forward one last time and my face comes in contact with his chest as I had been bent over slightly from his pull. It takes me a second to realize the position I am in, quickly pulling away from him with wide eyes and a red face

"It's a secret but if you really want to know you'll have to do something for me first" he smirks, causing a chill to run down my spine as I shake my head lightly.

"Let's just go" I spit out with a broken voice, still embarrassed about what had happened, but he didn't seem bothered by it one bit. He only takes my hand in his again and begins to pull me in the direction of the unknown place...

"And we are here!" Solomon states proudly, letting my hand slip from his, I stand behind him with a confused expression as I stare at the empty field in front of us, a small river breaks the ground allowing some more forms of life to grow in the area.

"Where are we?" I mutter watching a few rabbits chase each other in the tall grass ahead of us, a few butterflies fly in the air just as they hover over a few vibrant flowers. This place was more stunning than I first thought.

"It's a little area in this town I thought you may like since you seemed bored with the city life," he murmurs resting his hand on my shoulder as he stands in front of me now with a soft smile. He makes no other movement other than shifting his feet in a nervous manner. I stare at him with a confused expression

"How did you know?" I chuckle letting a few held back breaths slip past my lips from all the walking, my legs were somewhat sore from the many miles we had just walked.

"You never were that hard to read (Y/N)" he says lowly, a pale pink comes to his face as he struggles to look at me.

"Really?" I chuckle out thinking I was somewhat hard to read but I would never be as hard to read as Solomon. He and I both knew that. Watching his eyes scan the ground and his hands take mine as he takes one breath for confidence.

"Yes. I wanted to take this chance to tell you something, will you allow me to do so?" he asks in an almost breathless manner, my heart racing at his question still unsure of what he could say.

"Of course" I smile softly, watching something flash in his eyes and his figure becoming less tense as he locks eyes with me. "Whatever it is"

"I want to tell you how I feel." 

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