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adjective.   LITERARY


After Lilith dies Belphegor promises himself to never care and hate every human for the rest of his life. Yet thousands of years later he meets the reader and his promise soon is broken. (basically, the reader and Belphegor’s relationship until the reader dies of old age) (the reader is mentioned as they/ them in the beginning and then the reader is mentioned as you/yours and such then it goes back and forth) ( and text that is not in the middle is memories)

(Belphegor's Pov)

When their eyes met mine for the first time, it felt as if I was drowning in a never-ending ocean, it was something I couldn’t escape from as I realized I had been enchanted by a human. Something I promised myself to never do. After all, humans had been the reason Lilith died, and they were the reason he and his brothers fell. The reason they were demons. I hated it, how a weak human made me feel like this, I had been lost until they found me, that may have been an overstatement at the time. Only now did I realize how much they saved me. I would never say it out loud but you had been the most stunning person I had ever had the privilege to lay eyes on. Your voice had been intoxicating to me, just like everything else about you. 

“Belphegor as you are aware this is (Y/N) the new student.” Lucifer’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts and a loud huff soon followed from my lips as I stared at him with a bored expression. 

“I could care less about the human,” I mutter crossed my arms over my chest, I felt the eyes of the human bore into me as from the corner of my eyes I looked at them. I hadn’t wanted it to happen but my heart stops when our eyes meet. 

“Don’t hurt them or you’ll pay harshly for it, Belphegor” Lucifer states before leaving me and the human in the room. The silence was tense as I forced my eyes away from them, but they still had their eyes on me. A small yawn left my lips but I couldn’t find myself really tired enough to sleep with their eyes on me. 

“I’m (Y/N), It’s nice to meet you Be-” I glare at them, my heart still racing and I feel my cheeks heat up. 

“I really could care less about you, just don’t get in my way, human.” I snap forcing myself up from the couch and down the hall. My eyes scan over my shoulder to see their figure just behind me. I growl slightly turning back around roughly pushing them against the wall. “Leave me alone, I don’t want you near me” I snap but they don’t seem fazed by my tone

“I want to be friends Belphegor, I’m not sure what happened to you or your brothers. But I at least want to try an-” once again I cut them off before they can finish. 

“It’s all you weak humans fault everything happened the way it did. I will never be your friend, I’ll always hate you and your kind” I snap this time they flinch but a smile is on their lips, a feeling of anger flows through me but I stop myself from hurting them keeping Lucifer's words in my mind. I force myself away from them walking down the hall again. Their voice echoes down the hall yet I don’t stop 

“I won’t give up on you!” 

Maybe it had been then I realized how I really felt. How weak a human could make me feel just by a few words. It had been enough to make my chest hurt. Everything about them would make me change how I saw humans. It was something I never saw coming. 

Dancing With You| Obey Me! x reader (Oneshots)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя