Asmodeus❤(Happy Without Me)

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"I know I told you we could still be friends
But I see pictures of you smiling
And I hate to see you happy without me"

~The reader and Asmodeus broke up after agreeing to just be friends, soon after that, they lost contact and the reader has only seen photos of him as he continues to be happy without them. (contains little spoilers for one of the lessons)( I also realized I write a lot of romantic things for Asmo, making it seem like he is my favorite. But he isn't he is just the easiest to write :/)~


(The Readers Pov) 

Maybe it was his gradient eyes that looked at everyone with a sense of lust and admiration that everyone had wanted to at least be looked at with, even if it was once. Maybe it was his perfect and flawless figure that had drawn people to him as he sways to the music at the small party. Maybe it had been his charming smile and the intoxicatingly sweet voice that had made those around him more attracted to him.

 I had not been the exception, I had fallen for him the first time I laid eyes on him, more so when he had tried to charm me but had realized he couldn't as I drowned in his eyes, knowing that these feelings were my own and not some charm he had cast on me. Making this feeling afterward, even more, painful to endure. A lowly human such as myself couldn't have dreamed of even being with someone like that yet, even if it felt like heaven being with him. It had become unrealistic that he, the avatar of lust be loyal. He had never cheated but he had gotten bored of the same things. 

In the end, he and I had agreed to be just friends. We had lost contact as soon as I went back to the human realm, I had stayed in touch with his brothers and the purgatory hall members, seeming to have my life back together yet there was always this hole in my heart, one that I couldn't put my finger on. I had only come back to the Devildom because the other human exchange student, Solomon had invited me to go with him to visit. It was only meant to be short but we had found ourselves staying another year until eventually, I had permanently stayed. I could still recall his face when I had fallen on Satan from being teleported with Solomon. His expression was unreadable and he had only said Hi with his quivering voice. It was something I thought I would never hear again.  Yet I had said nothing. Maybe that had been one of the things I learned to regret as I spent more time with his brothers, while he had often gone to parties and returned drunk. Returning with his old habits. 

I watched him at the party, the brothers and I had all gone, though Leviathan and Belphegor had left early due to their lack of wanting to be there. My eyes would always find themselves landing back on him no matter if I looked away. Even while we were apart I still found myself thinking about him whenever I was alone with my thoughts. I felt a pang in my chest as I watched a smile curl on his pale lips, while he looked at a slightly shorter demon next to him. Seeing his champagne hair fall over his eyes as he did so. I had found myself wishing it was me who he was looking at like that, knowing deep down that, he would never do something like that again. I had begun to bite at my lips as I stared at him and the other demon. Both of them looked perfect and maybe that was the bad thing about all of this. How "Perfect" he really was. Something I could never have. 

I hated the smile that was on his lips and the seemingly endless laughs that would string from his mouth as they had said something of interest. Of course, deep down I wish that they would be a one-night stand. My hand rests against my chin as I tear my eyes away to look at the demons that surround me. My other arm lays limply on my leg as my eyes landed on a few of the brothers. Lucifer had been standing near a wall with his arms crossed over his chest watching everything go down, but I could only assume he was watching Mammon. In a matter of moments, I had my eyes back on Asmodeus. A sense of jealousy runs through me as I see their lips brush together quickly before they pull away, a frown is on my lips as I look away again this time my eyes land on the drink in front of me. I sigh before leaning back against the back of the chair. I knew I should have seen this coming, but I couldn't do anything to prepare myself for it. The moments he would push me to the side while I was the only one keeping the thought of us in my heart. 

He was a playboy liking the attention of others, feeling as though he needed the love of others to feel anything. 

I push myself up from the chair, my hands rest on the chair as I lose my balance for a second. A huff pushes itself past my lips as I look over to see Lucifer looking over for a split second before eyeing everything else. I feel tears poke at the corners of my eyes, raising my arm to wipe the tears away. Before I left I turned to look back at them seeing them pressed against each other while both of them had smiles on their lips. I wanted to be happy that he was at least doing something with his time while he was going back to the habits that made him happy. I loved how happy he was yet, I wanted to be the one that made him happy, not someone else.


"You know how much I love you right?" his voice just above a whisper as his hair falls over his eyes, my eyes lock with his. As a small smile is on his lips. "I feel so in love with you, almost as much as I love myself" he mutters running his hands against my arms as he pulls me closer. Pressing his lips to mine for a split second. Yet even though it was quick, I could feel the passion behind it. 

"I love you too" I mutter, feeling a small blush on my cheeks, and his higher-pitched laugh echoes through the room making my heart flutter. 

"Of course you do!" he states with a large smile


I couldn't stop thinking about him as I walked down the sidewalk. The cold air hits me, making me shudder. I saw his smile and my heart hurt. I hated how happy he was without me. 

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