~Luke❤(Misery In Those Eyes)~

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(this is not fit for some readers as this mentions depression, underage drinking, and mentions self-harm)

(The reader is 20 just becoming ruler after their parent’s death, while Luke is 19 when he and the reader meet. This is also pretty short) 

(No One’s Pov) 

A meeting only a few would attend was taking place, some knights, nobles, and the emperor all were to meet in a small room to discuss their future plans with neighboring kingdoms. Though the young blond male was wondering why he had been called to be a part of this. He had been a low-ranking knight and one of the youngest who was currently still standing after the harsh training. He had a low status compared to all the bodies in the room and felt out of place as his eyes scanned the room. He had known no one personally and had only nodded and spoken a few words to a few of these beings. Most were strangers he had only heard of, this caused slight insecurity to form within his body as he tried his best to stand as formally as he could while they all waited for the emperor to find their place in the room. 

He had been nervous, who wouldn’t be? With one wrong look at any of these people, he could be sentenced to death or servitude. Something he hadn’t wished on his greatest enemy knowing how cruel punishments given by the higher-ups could be. He almost cringes and holds his next but stops himself when he hears the door farthest from him opening. Everyone turns to look and soon bends to bow as they walk in. small voice steps echo in the room, he waits and waits for someone to shift and stand up again yet this doesn’t happen for a minute. He feels his backache as he waits and when he hears the slight shuffle he stands up once again.

He watches them from a distance, an empty look is on their face as they look down blankly at the ground. They don’t seem to pay attention to anything around them or seem to not pay any mind. Seconds after watching them they look up locking eyes with him for only a moment. But at that moment, there was something that flashed in their eyes, he hadn’t known them, nor had they even ever spoken to each other. But something in the young male was being drawn to them. Maybe it had been their eyes that were full of misery in that second 

(Luke's pov)

I didn’t want to feel it, yet at that moment as our eyes locked my heart stopped. I couldn’t stop the feeling that was coursing through me in a matter of seconds. Even after the hours had passed by. It still seemed like it only happened seconds ago or it was still happening as it was being repeated in his mind over and over again. I find myself walking down the dark halls way after midnight, the few lively birds chirping though it was dark as if they were searching for something they couldn’t find in the light of day. A soft and content hum leaves my lips as I wander down the never-ending hall just before stopping in front of a larger door. My chest tightens as the feeling of nervousness and dread runs through me. I turn to face the towering door with wide eyes and a racing heart. Though I had no idea why only that it was something I couldn’t 

A loud thud is all it takes for me to push everything that is telling me to walk away, grabbing the door handle I slam myself against the wooden door breaking past the lock that had been set. My eyes widen as I see their figure hunching over their wrists looking at me with widened and fearful eyes. Before I can stop myself I rush forward wrapping my arms around their shoulder pulling them close to my body pressing my hand to the bleeding wrist. Almost silent sobs echo in the room as my eyes land on their figure. Eyes red from crying and their skin paled from lack of sunlight or loss of blood. I scan the room for any cloth my eyes land on a discarded shirt, before I can lean forward to grab it their hand grabs the collar of my shirt pulling me back. My eyes widen as a pair of lips are pressed to mine. I gasped too afraid and shocked to pull away, their lips had tasted like alcohol making me pull away and gag at the bitter taste. I lean forward once again this time grabbing the shirt pressing it to their wrists in an attempt to stop the bleeding. As I was tying the knot their bloody hand presses to mine making me look up into their eyes. 

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