Diavolo/Lucifer💜 (Satisfied)

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"Intelligent eyes in a hunger-pang frame
And when you said hi, I forgot my dang name
Set my heart aflame, ev'ry part aflame
This is not a game"

~Reader and Lucifer end up getting together and tell the others, Diavolo was too late to say his feelings for Lucifer and he keeps it to himself watching as they both are happy and he is left to stay alone with his feelings as he remembers all the moments they shared together. ~ (kinda weird sorry)

Golden eyes stare at the black-haired male in front of him, he had become mesmerized by his stunning beauty, in a matter of seconds the being begins to fall quickly from the sky above the clouds, he remembers watching him fall in disgrace,  the white wings that rest on the males back begin to turn black, six became four in a matter of seconds, yet with the wings on his back are there he can't use them to save himself. Feathers from the wings begin to fall in the sky. Never would he thought in his life he would see such a sight, the symbol of pride right in front of him. Seeming to be a fate they couldn't escape. The red hair male was cheerful and happy for a demon as they are known to be dark and cunning, having the title of Ruler of all demons. And on that day when the angel fell from heaven, he had fallen in love with him, the angel Lucifer. 




(Diavolos pov)

"Ah, Lucifer! First to the meeting again I see."  I open the slightly taller door with a wide smile on my lips as I look at the black-haired male who sits in the silence of the room. His pale skin contrasted against his black clothing and gloves, I felt my heart slightly race at the sight of him and when he looked at me with his darkened eyes with a small smile on his lips, my heart was feeling as if it would stop. 

"Hello Lord Diavolo, I had something I wanted to ask you, which seems to be the reason I find myself here this early." his voice is near silent as his gloved hand presses to his lips and he looks back at the chair from across him. A deep sigh falling from his lips as I take the seat in front of him. A large smile was still on my lips as I waited for his question 

"What is it you wanted to ask?" I cross my arms over my chest looking at him with soft eyes hoping he wouldn't notice any sort of difference. I felt sort of a wave of nervousness run through me. 

"Could a demon and a human be together?" he turns to look at me with his gradient eyes filled with some sort of emotion I couldn't point out. "Would a demon be able to date a human from the exchange program?" His voice slightly trails off with uncertain confidence he once had fading his question makes me lean forward to look at him with confusion. 

"It would depend on each of their feelings and who the demon is. Who are you asking for?" I question him, making him lean back against the chair, his gloved hand running through his hair. I could see beads of sweat press against the skin of his forehead and neck making his hair also slightly damp. 

"No one really" he states leaning forward again composing himself once again, he tries to put on his permanent smirk as he looks back at the table to avoid all contact. I chuckle at his behavior feeling slightly nervous myself. 

"No need to be so nervous Lucifer!" I let out a loud laugh to hopefully mask my nervousness, the one that was flooding through my veins at the moment. 

"You won't come to hate me will you?" he questions with a small frown and his nervousness seemed to flow away from him 

"No of course not you're my best friend and my right-hand man!" I practically shouted, making him flinch. 

"That makes me feel somewhat better about telling you" he mutters, pressing his hand to his chin, both of our eyes locking. And a slight red color flushed on his face. 

"Telling me what?" 

"I'm in love with (Y/N)" Lucifer states and when he does the smile on his lips when her name left his lips making my heart drop in my chest. It felt as if it had been broken just from a name, a few words. I swallowed a lump that was growing in my throat as I looked at him with wide eyes and forced a smile on my lips.

"That's good news!" 




A jealous feeling went through me as I saw them together. Their fingers intertwined the distance between me and Lucifer seemed to be growing as each day passed. My heart hurt more than I would like to ever say. Or could even say. But none the less I couldn't let anyone see, how would I explain to them if they did notice, I couldn't go out and say my feelings for someone who is already taken. 

I had grown to wonder if she never was around would he have grown to love me instead? Maybe I was thinking too harshly and acting somewhat possessively and part of me hated the feelings that were racing through me. But a part of me couldn't help but be happy for the two. 

At the end of the day, I just wanted this all to be a dream and wish that I was the one at his side and not her. The end of the day was approaching and no meetings were called until the final bell had rung signaling the end of the school day was here. Lucifer had stopped walking with me during the classes and at the end of the day, I had begun to feel more lonely than I had before. 

The building emptied out quickly and before I knew it I found myself walking back to my office room. I hadn't realized tears falling from my eyes until I felt a burning feeling. 

I should've been selfish and said no. I thought over and over again. I would see him and his eyes when I closed my eyes, his smile that would be burned into my mind, and the moment I met him when he hated me because I was a demon and he, was an angel that had fallen he had yet to see the wings and his appearance only focusing on the woman who was next to him, as she died. Lucifer gave himself to save her and maybe that's what caused me to fall for him. Was how loyal he had seemed to be. 

A demon of my status could never be with a once fallen angel no matter how high on status and reputation he had gotten. I had wondered if he was going to be loyal after he and she broke off their communications after the year was over. I also thought about how I couldn't bear to see him sad as he was when I met him. I told myself I would wait for him until he fell for me the way I did him. I never imagined he would fall in love with someone he once hated, that included me and her. 

A deep sigh left my lips as my hands lay over my face hiding my eyes, I wanted to reach out for him but each time I did the space and distance between us would grow. My heart ached and I could never let him know how much he meant to me, the chance of their meeting was fate, everything between them was fate and I had to accept it. I couldn't force myself in the way of them, and risk losing him more than I had already. 

I wanted him to stay happy, even if his happiness wasn't with me

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