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"I just wanna kiss boy
Warning I'm giving you ahead of time
If you're just going to continue to play games
I will be 'it' for you right away
It's right now, my boy, don't hesitate
Slowly follow me
Now you can't run away anymore"
~The reader is enchanted by the white-haired male that frequently wanders through the forest until he notices her (the reader is a female and is a wood nymph or a Hamadryad. You tend to stay hidden and avoid conflict but is the highest-ranking nymph in the area due to their normally harsh and blunt personality also you have killed people, but solo doesn't know)~ 

Nymph- A mythological spirit of nature imagined as a beautiful maiden inhabiting rivers, woods, or other locations.

Facts- Nymphs are mythical spirits originating from greek texts and are known to be dangerous to wandering men and sometimes women, and often will not take no for an answer. They can heal minor wounds but can not bring anyone back from death or if they are close to death. They are not immortal and can be killed 

Mischievous- A person, animal, or their behavior. Causing or showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way/ (an action of thing causing or intended to cause harm or trouble)

Wood nymphs commonly have brown eyes and brown hair

Hamadryad- A nymph who lives in a tree and dies when the tree dies.

(No ones Pov)

The sun was rising and so were all the creatures in the forest, even the few nymphs that were in the area, less than ten of them existed in this area and they all hated each other, often committing mischievous acts to each other, and sometimes nearly killing others. Other than the one wood nymph that resided in the area, she spent most of her time watching the people who would find themselves in the forest, stalking them until they left, none of them came back after witnessing a few of the other nymphs acts. Only one person had ever caught your interest and that was the white-haired male that always seemed to come back no matter what he saw. You could tell he was different, he was confident and he radiated a sense of power and strong will, something that was rarely seen in the men and women that would walk through the forest.

 Your brown eyes scan the area as you see him coming again, your heart jumps as you see his white hair slightly grown out enough to have it in a small ponytail.  He was wearing a tight-fit black shirt and black pants. The gradient blue and black cape on his back sway in the small and barely noticeable breeze. Your hands wrapped around the branches of the tree as you look down at the male with a small smile, your chin pressed to the bark of the tree. Swaying your feet in the air. You see him turn to look up where you were, your eyes widened as you faded into the tree in hope that he hadn't seen you. Your hopes were not answered as he approached the tree looking up at the branch you were on. 

"I didn't think nymphs were actually real!" he shouts up at the branch making you jump from his loud voice, you fall off the branch a yelp leaving your lips from the height, you knew you would live but it was going to hurt you closed your eyes as you braced for impact but the harsh impact never came only a small grunt and warmth surrounding you. You quickly open your eyes jumping out of his arms and onto the ground. His arms still held out to where you were, he hums soon lowering them to his sides. "Amazing! I thought nymphs were only a myth but here you are! I mean I felt someone watching me each time I came here I just thought it was me" he chuckles bending down to your eye level 

"If someone sees you, they'll lure you into their grasp. They won't take no" you mutter. Making his eyes widen in shock as he looks at you with somewhat curious eyes

"What about you?" he asks tilting his head to the side, his blue eyes stare into yours. "Do you not want to lure me" 

You scoff crossing your arms as you stand up so he wouldn't look at you like he had been. The thin dress presses to your body, you hadn't felt anything but when he got a good look at you, you felt a somewhat embarrassed feeling as the color red comes over your cheeks 

"I have no interest in human affairs" you tap your foot on the ground. "My fellow nymphs maybe, but humans are intolerable" you huff closing your eyes looking at the ground, you hear the male in front of you shuffle and a few footsteps until you feel a small warmth in front of you. 

"Oh really?" he says amusingly looking at your back as he circles you, you feel a shiver go down your spine as a hand grazes your wings you tense up jumping away from him 

"Don't do that!" you shout looking at him with angry eyes but his happy smile makes you rethink everything, you begin to think you actually looked interesting to someone and not scary. The blush comes back onto your face. 

"What's your name?" he asks looking down at you, he had a calm and collected expression on his face, while you felt your heart racing and it felt harmful but you knew it wasn't 

"(Y/N). you?" you mutter under your breath as he continues to stare at you. 

"I'm Solomon, so. Now that we know each other can I see your wings?" he asks with a chuckle possibly knowing what the answer was but he looks at you shocked when you nod and look away so you wouldn't have to see him "so how many nymphs are in this area?" his voice breaks the awkward silence as his fingers mess with the wings that are pressed to your back. 

"Ten, including me. Two flower nymphs, Four river nymphs, and the rest are wood nymphs" you state moving your hands to your sides leaning your head back a pair of blue eyes hover over yours and a loud gasp leaves your lips as you turn again to face Solomon. 

"You sure know the certain nymphs here, so who is the most influential?" he asks his fingers run through your hair before retracting quickly. A small blush tinted his cheeks but it was barely noticeable

"I am." a small laugh leaves his lips as he looks at you with a questioning manner as if he didn't believe you. "I'm serious," you spoke out with a dull expression crossing your arms over your chest again. He stops laughing 

"Not to joke around or anything but you seem too soft to be in that position." 

"None of the other nymphs dare mess with me" you mutter lifting your fingers moving them slightly in a playful manner looking at him with narrowed eyes "so don't worry they won't mess with you, you have my sent on you" 

"I thought nymphs we-" you cut him off as you glare at him, 

"They have games to see who can kill the most people, the acts they always play are harmful." you lean against the tall tree you feel yourself calming down. 

"Have you killed people?" 

You open your eyes again looking at him with a dull expression, a feeling of judgment radiating off of him. 

"That's why I'm at the top, but I don't kill people that was when I was younger. I was dumb and immature. People suffered because of me and that makes this long life I already have to live even more painful" 

"Do you want to kill me?"

"No, I never have. I've been watching you since you first stepped into these woods. The confidence I felt from you was alluring, I was shocked you had even come back the second time." 

"Does that mean you like me?" he questions hovering down over your now sitting figure. 

"I feel a certain attraction to you, and I don't really understand it yet"

Dancing With You| Obey Me! x reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now