Lucifer❤(A Fools Game)

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~Both the reader and Lucifer are humans, forced into a marriage by their families for money and reputation. And both have made many attempts to kill each other. (This is not fit for some readers as this mentions and contains attempted murder, manipulation, sexual moments, attempted suicide, poisoning, drugging, a toxic relationship, murder, and has cursing) (yes, both characters do have sexual and romantic feelings for each other, but have to act on hate, which will be explained some what in the story)~

We smile at each other, yet I’m sure that isn’t how we feel, we lie and tell each other something that is farther from the truth. We deceive each other. A forced marriage brought us together and to each other’s throats. At one point I brought a knife into his room in the middle of the night, intending to kill him. My mother’s words echo through my mind, her weakened voice constantly reminds me of what this marriage is for. In the end, it didn’t matter how I felt. 

Though that wouldn’t be the first time I had tried to kill him asleep or awake. Each time he seemed to see right through me. As though a strand of luck was with him constantly. Saving him every time. Anger and annoyance coursed through me each time I would think of him, or every time I looked at his smug face. The way his lips would curl into a smirk and his eyes narrowed at me after any attempt on his life like it was some type of joke… I had no idea he would soon try to take my own life. 

(The Readers Pov)

His eyes stare at me from across the room, a small smirk is pressed to his lips as the table separates us from a long distance. His long nails tap on the wooden surface in a mocking tone, almost as if he’s done something. 

“I want to join your little game,” he says suddenly, picking up the fork next to him, taking it in his thin and delicate fingers. I narrow my eyes at him placing both of my hands on the table next to the plate and glass there. 

“What do you mean?” I ask in an annoyed tone, a nauseous feeling coming over me as I look at him. I lift one of my hands and press it to my head as a massive headache comes along. I hear his chair push out from the table and his footsteps approaching me,

“We both want each other dead, so why don’t we make this a game?” he hums as I feel his hand press against my shoulder, and a deep chuckle slips past his lips as he looks down at me with a prideful look. 

“You asshole, only a fool would agree to that” I cough out and tears fall from my eyes, I try to push myself up but my vision becomes blurry and I feel the urge of my body to shut down for an unknown reason. 

“I do think you as a fool, after all, you did marry me and think you could kill me without help” he lets out a loud laugh as he grabs the back of my shirt dragging me out of the chair and onto the ground. 

“Let me-” I pause as I feel each part of my body shut down and it becomes harder to fight against him, my head throbs and it throws off my vision. But I know where we are going, my limbs going numb I can’t fight against him as we reach the bathroom. 

“You really should’ve expected this sooner or later. Did you think I would just stand and take your attempts until you succeeded?” his voice fades as I hear the tub running. He never lets go of the back of my shirt until I’m thrown into the cold water in the tub and my head is pressed against the bottom. His hands slip around my neck as I fight against him, my nails digging into his wrists and lower arms. After a few moments, he pulls me back out, and I gasp for breath as through blurred vision I see that stupid smirk on his lips, he says something but I don’t pick up on it as I close my eyes…

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