Belphegor❤(It's always Watching)

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Belphegor and the reader are in a pact, Belphegor ends up growing feelings for the reader and becomes obsessive over them. (this is not fit for some readers as this mentions obsessive behavior, stalking, manipulative behavior, and other topics)(Belphegor is a yandere and to make it more clear Belphegor's feelings are mentioned as "It")

(No ones pov)

He wasn't sure how or even when these feelings grew within him. If someone were to ask him that question, he wouldn't be able to say anything in response other than "It just happened." and that is how it's been. When he first met them he hated them, all because they were human. Yet he hadn't been aware when his feelings of hate turned to ones of affection and obsession. But he didn't care how it happened, it only mattered that he was there now.

He presses his hand to his chin, leaning on the side of the bed. Watching their chest fall and rise as they slept in an almost peaceful manner. He felt his heart race by being this close to them, a feeling of love grew inside of him something he hadn't been used to. After all, they were the first ones to steal his heart and he wasn't about to let them slip through his fingers. They weren't aware of his feelings for them, he still was unsure how to go about saying them. Would they run away once they found out?

Tensing at the sudden movement they make as they shift in their sleep, he pushes himself up slightly but not enough to be fully away from them. This was how he spent his many sleepless nights because watching them sleep was calming to him and he didn't know why. This was all new to him and he couldn't ask anyone about it, he knew it was wrong but he couldn't help himself when it came to the human. The human with who he had fallen desperately in love. A small gasp captures his attention; he quickly turns his head to face them, they lay there wide awake.

"What are you doing here Belphegor," they ask, voice breaking after every word. And there it is he can sense the fear and shock in their voice. He can see it in their eyes as they look at him helplessly. "How did you get in my room?" He doesn't answer their question, only responding by moving closer and taking their hand in his.

"I'm always near you, no matter if you want it or not" he whispers, pressing his lips softly to the back of their hand, soon they pull away clutching their hand to their chest. Eyes that are wide stare back at him. He loved watching the fear grow in their eyes, he loved how helpless they had become.

"How did you find me!" they shout, making the demon flinch at their tone, a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips. "It's been years since I've been in the Devildom!" they continue to shout at him, this only makes him more annoyed at their tone and voice to him. He presses his hand to his head rubbing his temples in pure annoyance.

"You should really not shout at me like that" he states lowly as he looks at them past the spaces between his fingers. "It hurts you know" he whines, leaning fully against the chair that he had moved to sit next to their bed. His free hand finds its way to the collar of their shirt pulling them forward and closer to him. "You left me without a word, never saying goodbye, then cut all contact"

"I wanted out of there as soon as I could be, you made me feel crazy!" they snap, making the demon close his eyes, before slamming them down fully on the bed. He hovers over them, pinning them down so they can't escape him.

"You and I have a pact-" he starts but is cut off when their foot makes contact with his stomach, but it has no effect as he glares down at them

"You forced me to that pact!" they shout, tears poking the corner of their eyes as they stare up at him, trying to get out from under him but failing. His nails dig into the skin of their wrists as he leans down

"You made it with me! You agreed so you must have had the same feelings as me!" he can feel small amounts of their blood pooling under his nails, his eyes widened as he lifts his hands away from them and in front of his eyes to fully see the blood. It trails down his hands, it had been more than he wanted, no. He never wanted to hurt them, not like this.

"I hated you so much! I still do, you're crazy if you think I have any feelings of affection to you!" they whimper out pressing their arms to their chest as tears freely fall down their face. Blood stains their nightshirt. His breathing becomes heavy as he tries to get closer to make sure they are ok but is stopped when they roughly glare at him "Get away from me!" they growl.

"You know I can't do that, you have to take responsibility for this." he starts pressing his hands to his face, he feels the blood transferring to his face but remains unbothered, he feels something growing in his chest. Something he can't quite put his finger on. "You stole my heart and left like it was nothing. It's your fault that this is happening" he whispers cupping their face in his hands, effortlessly pressing his lips repeatedly onto their skin. They stand no chance trying to get him off of them. "I'm always watching," he whispers again, this time pressing his lips right next to theirs, then pulling away slightly, both of their noses touching and he stares deeply into their fear-filled eyes.

"Sto-" they start only to get cut off again with another darkened expression, a frown pressing to his lips.

"It's always watching you, I can let you go just yet"

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