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(Compassion, love, calms, comforts, immature, playfulness, romance) 
(No Ones Pov) 

A tugging feeling on his hand makes the demon lord turn his tired head to the human in front of him, a smile pulling at his lips as he watches their expression change. A playful and energetic aura radiating off them as they hold onto his hand. Fingers brushing against his and metal rings collide for a split second before the demon laughs. 

“What is your deal today?” He uses his other hand to grab their upper arm pulling them down on top of him, his arms wrapping around them keeping them pinned on him. Their widened eyes lock with his before both of their hands cup the demon's face, a red tint coming to his cheeks as he feels the cold texture of the ring pressing to his face. 

“We should go out Diavolo” they state, pressing their lips to the demons for a second, “It’s been weeks since we’ve spent a proper day together.” dramatically the human presses their hand to their forehead and lets out a loud and long sigh of distress. 

“Where do you want to go?” he asks, pressing a small kiss to their cheek, his hands begin to shift away from them until he is holding himself up as they had their legs resting on either side of him. 

“You know I’ll be fine wherever, after all if I’m with you that's all I could ever want” they mumble a blush coming to their cheeks after they speak making the demon lord laugh again grabbing their hand and bringing it up to his lips to kiss. 

“Well, there is something I need to get from the human realm, so why don’t we go there?” Diavolo states happily watching a small smile pull at the humans lips at the idea of going back to the human realm. It wasn’t often Diavolo went to the human realm other than for business to make a relationship with humans. He would just send Barbatos or Lucifer to get something because of his schedule. It had even been a while since he had spent time with (Y/N) he was always so busy and the last time he had taken any time off was when Barbatos, Simeon and Lucifer forced him to when he got married. 

“Really?” They ask cupping his face again, making him look at them again, a large smile coming to his lips as he nods at the question. He would have to talk to Barbatos and Lucifer about this, but he knew they would agree to it. Hopefully… 

“How do I look?” the demon lord asks as he lifts his head up from the little shop they had stopped by, the sun shining down on both of them was harsh as they had grown used to the dark days and nights of the Devildom. A laugh leaves the human's lips as they press a hand on their side. A frown pulls at the demon's lips as he holds out his hands in a confused manner. “Do I look bad?” He feels his newly obtained glasses slip a little lower on his nose as he watches the human shake their head. 

“No, no. I just don’t think..” They pause, stopping themselves from laughing before coming to him, pushing up the glasses, his vision fully pink as he stares through the lenses, a smile is on his lips when they rest their hands on his shoulders. “The pink hearts go well with your dark attire.” they mutter softly, looking down at his solid red dress shirt and black pants. This only makes him more confused as he also looks down at himself 

“I thought pink went well with everything?” his fingers rested on the glasses pulling them off giving them a long stare, it had been too late since he had already bought them and there was a no return policy on all products. A small hum leaves his lips as they pull away from him

“I think you mean black and white, Diavolo” they chuckle taking the glasses from his hands this time they are the ones looking down at them before they sigh too. Looking back at Diavolo and to the shop. Eyes landing on a pair of bright pink shirts next to another pair of glasses. Nodding to themselves before they turn back to Diavolo giving him the glasses back. “I’ll be back” Diavolo doesn’t say anything as his eyes follow the determined human as they point at a few things but he isn’t sure what until a few minutes later.

“What are those?” he asks again before he is handed a pink shirt with a smile on their face, they hold the same glasses as him. 

“I got us matching glasses and shirts”  waving the glasses in front of their face before slipping them on, a blush present on their face as the demon only stares at them. He laughs softly before pressing his lips to theirs for a split second. Pulling away he locks eyes with them, the pink lenses blocking him from seeing their eyes fully, but he would admit they looked good. 

“Shall we go put these on?” he chuckles, holding out his left hand, the ring catches the light reflecting each time he moves his hand in the slightest way. He feels the humans hand slip into his both of their fingers intertwining again. He feels his heart race at the feeling never wanting to let go...

“Come on (Y/N)!” the over excited demon lord jumps up from the bench they had been sitting at for a few minutes. Both of their feet aching from how much walking they had done today but somehow he had more energy than ever. (Y/N) lets a tired moan leave their lips before they can fully push themselves off the bench, both of their feet are taken off the ground and they feel a pair of familiar arms on them. A chuckle leaves the demon's lips as he spins them around slightly holding onto them tightly. They pull him closer putting their head against his chest as he begins to spin faster, the world becomes hard to look at as it just becomes blurs in a matter of seconds. 

“Diavolo!” they laugh out still having their arms around his neck, he begins to slow down not letting his arm out from under their legs or around their waist. During all this he could hear their loud heart beat and the continuous laughter leaving their lips. The pink glasses still over their now closed eyes as they pull him closer. With heavy breaths he comes to a stop, looking at the sunset and then back at them with a loving smile. 

“Thank you for today (Y/N)” the demon lets out breathlessly, he watches something flash in their eyes before they press their hand to the back of his head before pulling him down to catch their lip with his.

“I should be thanking you, because of you all this was possible” they mutter only inches away from his face, he begins to inch closer but feels the corner of their glasses meet a soft laugh leaves his lips again. Both of them didn’t have to say anything as they were in silence again, this time it was comforting, Diavolo lets them leave his arms before sitting in the grass they follow after; resting their head on his shoulder. He wants nothing more to pull them closer, a happy feeling once again comes over him as he stares at the setting sun. Watching the many colors paint the sky for what only seems like seconds. 

“We should do this more often (Y/N)” Diavolo whispers, putting his head on top of theirs, he hears a change in their breathing before he feels their arms around him. 

“Do you think I would be against it?” they chuckle, pulling away before facing him, “I would love to see you wear bright pink all the time” looking down at the tightly fitting pink shirt he was wearing. A blush coming to his face at the comment. 

“So you like it?” he mutters under his breath “I won’t wear it all the time cause I have to look professional most days, you know” he states making them rest a hand on his cheek. 

“Of course I like it…” they say softly before a smirk pulls at their lips and they shrug their shoulders “believe it or not I also like you, so I like anything on you, including nothing” they wink at him making a strong blush grow on his cheeks at the sexual comment, this only makes the human laugh loudly 


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