Asmodeus❤(Drunk Meeting)

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"Let me take you dancing, two-step to the bedroom. We don't need no dance floor"

~After their first meeting at a party, Asmodeus never learns the reader's name and only remembers their first drunken kiss, with determination to find the reader he finally finds them. (Reader is a demon who mainly lives in the human realm and this one-shot contains scenes that are not fit for some readers and Asmo is out of character)~


(H/C)- hair color

(E/C)- eye color

(F/C)- favorite color

(No ones pov) 

Asmodeus was not known as trustworthy or selfless, he was often known as a loudmouth who only cared for himself. In that case, it was true, everything they said was true and he held no offense to it because he, himself believed that he was a demon worthy of everyone's love, and that was what he lived on. 

No one could change him and he lived off of the thrill of men and women becoming infatuated by him as if he was a god. That's very much how he felt. These feelings often led to one-night stands with these people he never knew and he didn't care who they were. He loved the feeling of being wanted and being put into something higher than he was. This god-like appearance was his and he wanted to keep it up for as long as he could. That was until he saw a hidden figure in the corner of the room. His thinking had changed when they had both met eyes. He no longer felt like a god standing in front of them. His gradient eyes widen as the (H/C) demon looks at him with lingering eyes, their horns pressed lightly against the soft-looking hair that was on their head. The light makes it hard to really tell the color of their eyes but he knows that he, himself is lost in them. He wonders if this is how the people he enchants feel like this. He was sure that this was how they felt, and he was also sure that he was not under their curse, since he himself had the most powerful enchanting eyes. 

"What would your name be?" he leaned over pressing his chin to the palm of his hand while the arm that lay lip by his side was soon pressed against the chair that the other demon was sitting on. 

"How about we forget the introductions'' they mutter their voice slightly slurred from the alcohol they consumed beforehand. A smirk presses against the lustful demon's lips as his tongue slides past the space that was between his lips. Leaning even closer until he feels their breath hitting his face. Their fingers trace the chest of the lustful demon earning a low-pitched growl. His fingers wrap around their wrist pulling them even closer until both of their noses brush together then their lips until the space between them is closed. A soft hum would leave both of their lips as the champagne-haired male feels delicate fingers tangle into his hair pulling him closer than he ever had known, even with the nights full of people. Both of them felt the intoxicating warmth from their bodies and they wanted more, he felt the fingers untangle from his hair and soon they slid under the helm of his shirt grazing his pale skin. A muffled moan would leave his lips as he felt a tongue slide past his lips and he found himself following their actions for a bit until his racing heart snapped him out of it. He pulls away from the other demon, their face flushed with the color red. The lustful demon found himself unable to continue with the drunken demon in front of him, this moment would make him never stop thinking about them. He gets off their body and he shivers as the cold air hits him quickly. This would be the first time he refused sex. At this moment he thought it was wrong and his mind was racing as he stormed out of the party. 

(Time skip)

The demon he had met at the party a few nights ago was all he could think about, he desperately wanted their lips back on his, wanted their warmth back on his body. In the middle of the night, he remembers staring into their eyes and he so desperately wanted to see them again. His heart felt like it would burst from the pain he was feeling. After that night he had stopped bringing unknowns back to his room or a random hotel, he only went to parties hoping that he would see them again. But as luck would have it, he didn't see them again at any party or even on the streets that he roamed so much more often. He hated the feeling as though he was alone in a world such as this. Never in his life did want to be lonely. It was nearly four months later until he saw the dull eyes again from the party. His heart raced as he inched closer but a few people had stopped him. Many months he dreamed of this moment, meeting them again. He dreamed of the moment their lips would press together in a sweet kiss, he wanted to tell them how much they had driven him crazy and it felt as if he was losing his mind. As soon as he stood in front of them their eyes locked with his and a smile was on their lips as they looked at him. 

"Hey," he whispers breathlessly as he sits on the barstool across from them. That tone seemed to draw them closer as the (H/C) demon presses their elbows on their knees a smirk on their lips. 

"So it was true, the lustful demon refusing to bed anyone" a soft chuckle leaves their lips as they continue to look at him with lustful eyes that are also full of curiosity. 

"I guess you could say that I never caught your name" the male demon whispers again this time his voice seems to be stuck in the back of his throat as he fully gets a good look at the detail of their face. Their narrowed eyes looking at him and their lips pressed thinly into a smirk. The delicate skin he misses the warmth of shining from the light of the room. He finally got a glimpse of their (E/C) eyes dazzling in the light. Even better than he remembers. Soon his eyes fall down on the outfit they are pulling off, the (F/C) shirt hugs their body and black pants fit tightly as well. 

"I'm (Y/N), and I assume you are Asmodeus?"  their voice filled with slight lust and it seems to draw him even further to them until once again their noses brush against each other Asmodeus smiles as their hand grabs his shirt fully closing the space that he desperately wanted to have closed for months. Soon they pull away and their eyes lock again "I think we should get out of here" they mutter lightly against his lips the vibrations from their voice were intoxicating. 

"You have a few months to make up to me, (Y/N)"

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